Meeting Minutes: June 24, 2024

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – June 24, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • All Board members were present: Joe Doran, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Chuck Liberty, Michael Montileone, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin, and John Santana.

  • Board members absent: none

  • Staff Present – Kelsey Wyres, Misty Danley, and Mike Riker

  • Staff Absent – None

  • Resident(s) present and signed in – Ted and LuAnne Johnson, Dana Coats, Rick and Nancy Spoolman, Terron and Karla Voller, Jennie Steinmetz, Douglas Jackson, Troy Eggum, Dale Kokesh, Dawn Liberty, Shawn and Kevin Jones, Rhonde Pearcy, Darrel Kjerstad, Tylee Zimbardo, Jake Ankele, Brian Hager, and Curtis Bietz.

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A correction to the Agenda - Update the Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting to May 20, 2024. A motion to approve the agenda was made by Lonnie Steinmetz and seconded by Howie Aubertin.   Motion carried.

  • A motion to approve the agenda was made by Marlowe McDowell and seconded by Kort Herman. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes for May 20, 2024 - A motion to approve the minutes was made by Kort Herman and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.


  • Howie Aubertin reviewed the financial reports dated June 24, 2024 and stated that as of date of reports, the SCCE Assets are $159,899.89. 

  • The Profit & Loss shows that expenses to date in June have exceeded income by $3,644.

  • Increases in expenses are attributed to bill payments to Chit Chat for maintenance of our SCCE website, reimbursement of Easter and Spring Clean Up event expenses, new signs for the HOA community events and the swimming pool, CenturyLink, and insurance. 

  • A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Santana and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.


  1. Key Fob Update - Misty Danley
    Misty Danley reported that only 20 key fobs still need to be picked up. There are 22 extra programmed fobs and 19 fobs not programmed.  

    Joe Doran reminded the Board and residents in attendance that the Board originally approved 1 fob per residence and the option to purchase 1 additional fob for $10.  He stated that one resident requested three (3) additional fobs for their family of five (5).  Joe also mentioned that the key fob program allows for a code to access the locks and asked the Board for their thoughts about allowing the assignment and use of personalized codes.  Following discussion, it was decided to maintain the original approval of the number of key fobs. Joe Doran stated that he will contact the family regarding no additional fobs will be issued beyond the 2 they currently have. 

    Kelsey Wyres mentioned there is a gap between the gate on the pool and the base pole and the gap is large enough for children to put their arm through and turn the knob to open the pool gate. It was also mentioned that the gate on the pool was propped open on a couple of events. Following discussion, Joe Doran stated that the self-closing hinges are on order and will help with some of the gate issues.  Another option is to add a “Close the Gate” sign to remind residents not to prop the gate open.  Chuck Liberty will continue work on the plexiglass for the gates.

  2. Amendment Guidelines - Howie Aubertin
    Howie Aubertin recapped the amendment portion from the May meeting for the residents present, which resulted in a lengthy discussion and allowed the residents present to express their thoughts about the change to Covenant Article II.1. It was decided that letters will be emailed and mailed to all SCCE residents and the letter will include the wording of the resident survey and prepared legalese amendment. The letter will also request SCCE residents to attend a Public Meeting on July 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department to discuss any additional questions, changes, provisions, or suggestions regarding the amendment. 

    Caleb Fierro, the new SCCE legal counsel, will be in attendance at the meeting to advise the Board and the SCCE residents as needed regarding the amendment.  The letters will include instructions on how to submit questions or constructive comments regarding the amendment to the membership should the resident be unable to attend the meeting in person.  


  1. New Legal Counsel - Joe Doran

    Joe Doran stated that the Board, via unanimous email vote, has retained the legal services of Caleb Fierro of Bangs McClullen Law Firm.  Attorney Fierro has experience working with HOAs in our area.  SCCE will be billed at a rate of $200 per hour for his legal counsel.  (see Article VI Section 6.01(b) of the SCCE By-Laws).

  2. Wages - Michael Montileone
    Michael Montileone stated to the Board and residents in attendance that Mike Riker does an amazing job maintaining the SCCE water system and managing the swimming pool. Michael would like Mike to receive a raise for all the work he does for our HOA.  Michael stated that Mike Riker currently makes $450/month for maintaining our water system plus $25/hr for two additional hours monthly for reading the water meters and preparing reports for bookkeeping, plus $25/hr for managing our swimming pool.  Mike has been paid these rates since 2019.  Mike stated that other operators maintaining for HOAs receive $1200 - $1500 per month.  

    After discussion, Joe Doran asked for recommendations regarding a pay raise for Mike Riker.  Lonnie Steinmetz made a motion to increase Mike’s monthly salary to $1,000 per month for operations and $50 per hour for additional hours for water meter reading and reports and swimming pool management.  Michael Montileone seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

    Howie Aubertin asked Kelsey Wyres how many hours she works on the HOA bookkeeping.  Kelsey responded that with the three (3) methods of HOA Fee payments, she is working a minimum of 25 hours per month. Currently, Kelsey is making $300 per month plus $20 per hour for additional hours.  After discussion, Michael Montileone made a motion to increase Kelsey’s compensation to $600 per month plus $40 per hour for time in excess of 25 hours per month. John Santana seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  


Verification of Committee members was done before the February meeting. Updated Rosters were distributed following the meeting.

  1. By-Laws and Covenants Committee - Howie Aubertin

    Howie Aubertin presented the report earlier in the meeting.

  2. Architectural Committee - Dana Coats

    The Architectural Committee only received one request to date in June. Misty will resend the request via email to the committee for review.

  3. Water System - Mike Riker

    Mike Riker reminded everyone that the tri-annual water sampling for lead and copper has been done and he will report on the results once received. There will be a larger than normal bill due to this required test. Normal water samples were great.  Chlorine delivery will arrive soon. 

    He is looking into an upgrade for the water system that would allow for cellular wifi instead of wired internet for monitoring of the HOA water system.  Mike is still working on gathering estimates for the repairs to our water tanks and will present to the Board when compiled. He still has 1 meter pit to install. Mike completed his water system report informing the Board that the new water meters will pay for themselves up to 5 years sooner than expected because of the accuracy of the meters. 

    There are a few tasks that still need done to finalize the Spring Clean Up list and is working with the volunteers to get the tasks completed.

  4. Recreation Committee - LuAnne Johnson

    LuAnne reported that members of the Recreation Committee submitted expenses for reimbursement.  $553 from the Easter Egg Hunt, $452 from the Summer BBQ, and $473 for the two Summer BBQ informational signs and new swimming pool sign.  

    LuAnne emailed the Wabash Valley quote of $2,668 plus tax and shipping for the additional table and three umbrellas for the pool area. The Board approved $3,000 for these items during the May 22nd meeting. 

    The next committee event will be the Annual Meeting in September.

  5. Additional Business - Joe Doran
    Joe Doran thanked all the residents who attended the meeting and expressed the Board’s hope that residents will continue to attend meetings. 

    Next meeting will be on July 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.


    With no further business, Howie Aubertin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lonnie Steinmetz.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of Kort Herman, Secretary

Misty Danley, Administrative Assistant to the SCCE Board


Special Meeting Notes: July 22, 2024


Meeting Minutes: May 20, 2024