Playground & Pool Rules

The SCCE playground, pool, and picnic shelter are some of the best features in our community. To keep them in working order and safe for SCCE members and our guests, we ask that you review the rules below and share them with your family and friends.

Remember: you may reserve the shelter but not the pool. Residents have unlimited access to the pool during operating hours.

Please be respectful of the common areas in the community. If you encounter rule-breaking – please act responsibly, intervene, and report the incident to a Board Member and/or the Pennington County Sheriff (605-394-2151). Individuals caught abusing the facilities will be prosecuted and charged for any damages. Please note: The county sheriff will be notified of any after-hours activity.

The playground and pool are for SCCE resident use. Guests must be accompanied by a resident.

Pool & Sports Court Security

To address concerns from residents that the pool has increasingly been used by non-residents, the board has implemented a new security protocol. Each household will receive a key fob that will allow access to the pool and sports courts.

How does it work?

  • Locking handles have been installed at each pool entrance and the entrance to the tennis, pickleball, and basketball courts.

  • Each homeowner will be issued one fob (1 per household)

    • Homeowners must sign for their fob acknowledging receipt

    • You can purchase an additional fob for $10 (max 2 per household)

  • The fobs are easy to use and work like a hotel key. Simply tap the pad installed at the entrance and the green light will give you access to the pool or court.

How do I get my fob?

  • Fobs will be available at upcoming community events:

    • May HOA Board Meeting: May 20, – 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm (at the close of the meeting)

    • Spring Clean Up:  May 18, 9:00 am - 11:00 am

    • Pre-pool Opening: May 23, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (weather permitting)

    • Say Hello to Summer BBQ: June 9, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

    • Or by appointment with Misty the SCCE Administrative Assistant

      • Please text 605-210-0405 for availability

Important things to keep in mind:

  • The security system is synced with pool hours 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

    • Please note: adult-only lap swim is from 9:00 am - 10:00 am

  • PLEASE be sure to gather ALL your belongings before the pool closes. Items left poolside after closing will not be accessible until the pool opens the following morning.

  • Guests must be accompanied by a resident. Please ask non-SCCE residents to leave if not accompanied by a resident.

Please be respectful of the common areas in the community. If you encounter rule-breaking – please act responsibly, intervene, and report the incident to a Board Member and/or the Pennington County Sheriff (605-394-2151). Individuals caught abusing the facilities will be prosecuted and charged for any damages. Please note: The county sheriff will be notified of any after-hours activity.

The playground and pool are for SCCE resident use. Guests must be accompanied by a resident.

  • Playground Rules

    Ready, set, play!

    Please respect the playset and be kind to your neighbors so everyone can enjoy the equipment. To make the most of your playground experience, here are a few reminders:

    The playground is open from dawn to dusk.

    The county sheriff will be notified of any after-hours activity

    •  The playground is designed for children ages 5 to 12 and under. Adult supervision is required.

    • Please encourage children to take turns. Pushing, shoving and other roughhousing is not permitted.

    • To avoid strangulation, do not wear helmets, necklaces, or clothing with hoods, cords, or drawstrings on the playset.

    • Do not walk up or climb on slides. Slide feet first face forward, in a seated position, one at a time.

    • Do not climb on or over safety rails, walls, barriers, roofs, or swing frames. Do not run on, jump or dive off of equipment. Do not walk or climb on top of the roofs, the fish, or climbing net.

    • Swing in a seated position. Do not twist chains or jump from swings.

    • Be conscious of weather hazards – be careful when the equipment is wet; avoid burns, check for hot surfaces before allowing children to play.

    • Do not play on broken or damaged equipment and report problems to the Recreation Committee immediately.

  • Pool & Shelter Rules

    South Dakota’s pool season is limited so make the most of it! The pool is open from Memorial Day to Labor Day (weather permitting).

    Pool hours are from 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
    Adult-only lap swim is from 9:00 am - 10:00 am

    • Guests must be accompanied by a resident. Please ask non-SCCE residents to leave if not accompanied by a resident.

    • Adult supervision is required for children at all times. Children under 12 must be accompanied by someone 14 or older.

    • Proper swimwear must be worn in the pool at all times. Infants and toddlers are required to wear swim diapers. If your child or your guest contaminates the pool or bathroom– clean up the area and contact a Committee member immediately as it might be necessary to temporarily close the facilities.

    • Please refrain from handling the pool equipment.

    • Do not sit on, pull on, bounce on, play tug of war with or otherwise mess with the safety rope. The hooks and hinges are costly and horseplay on or with the rope can damage the concrete, the latches, and the rope itself.

    • No water balloons in the pool area– they clog filters and make a really big mess!

    • Pets are not allowed in the pool or on the tennis courts. Please keep pets on a leash in the common areas.

    Please note: a designated pet swim is traditionally held on the last day of the season. Watch for details in the announcement section or in the newsletter.

    • No smoking or vaping, food, or glass at the pool or tennis courts (Hint: the picnic shelter is the perfect place for a snack).

    • The use of bikes, skateboards, or scooters on picnic tables, benches, or within the commons area is prohibited.

    • Rollerblades are not allowed within the tennis courts.

    • Picnic tables must remain in the shelter.