Meeting Minutes: August 26, 2024
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – August 26, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members were present: Board members present are Michael Montileone, Joe Doran, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, Lonnie Steinmetz, Howie Aubertin, John Santana, Chuck Liberty.
Board members absent: none
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker
Staff Absent – Misty Danley
Resident(s) present and signed in – Ted Johnson, Andrea Doran, Amber Cornfled, Jennie Steinmetz, Amber Rasmussen, Brian Hager, Melinda Sterling, Elizabeth Sterling, Al Stockman, Dana Coats, Terron Voller, Karla Voller, Greg Morford, Kevin Mooney, Kevin Jones, Kylee Zimbardo, Angie King, David Pearcy, Heather Wood, James Matkins, Artis Bietz. Please Note: some residents’ signatures were illegible and are not included in this list.
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion to approve the agenda was made by John Santana and seconded by Chuck Liberty. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the July 22, 2024 meeting.
It was brought to the Board’s attention that the minutes had not been posted to the website. Holly confirmed that she did not receive last month's minutes from Misty. Once received, she will post them to the website.
A motion to approve the July 22, 2024 minutes at the next meeting (September 23, 2024 meeting) was made by Chuck Liberty and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.
Howie stated that we had additional income from the water usage fees.
Our loan balance for the pool is $4178.41 as of July 31, 2024.
A motion to approve the financial report was made by Lonnie Steinmetz and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.
Amendment to the Covenant - Joe Doran
Joe stated that the amendment rewrite wasn’t sent out as the Board had hoped due to vacations and time constraints.Howie stated that there has been work on the rewrite, taking into account suggestions from residents via the last meeting and emails received. He stated that he doesn’t think we’ll have it ready in time for the annual meeting but that it’s something we want to spend time on so we don’t want to rush it.
Howie then mentioned that he thought it would be prudent to get a few residents to create a work group to work on the amendment. The following residents volunteered to be on the work group: Al Stockman, Terron Voller, Kevin Jones, Kevin Mooney, Amber Rassmussen and Kylee Zimbardo.A motion to create a work group to look at the amendment to the covenant was made by Howie Aubertin and seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried.
Common Area Landscaping- Howie Aubertin
Howie reviewed the scope of work and estimate he received from Jake Schnabel, owner of Natural Perspectives Landscaping who provided the following quote: $600 to save the crabapple tree, $900 to replace the spruce tree with a tree of about the same maturity as the others, and $1,500 to $2,000 for the additional landscape.
Amber Rassmussen asked if we had received any other quotes? Howie stated that we had not. It was recommended that we get a couple of other quotes but if it’s close it would be nice to use Jake Schnabel as he is from the neighborhood. Resident Kevin Mooney asked if there was something in the covenants that required the Board to get multiple quotes for things over a specific dollar amount. Joe stated that he didn’t think so but that this would be something we should look into when updating the covenants in the future.
It was also mentioned that things of a more emergent nature such as the water system should be exempt as often, time is of the essence, and waiting for approval could be catastrophic. Chuck also stated that getting another quote and possibly looking at doing some of the labor ourselves during the spring cleanup might be a way to save some money as well. Amber Rassmussen volunteered to get other quotes for the work to be done. Howie will touch base with her.
Annual Meeting Planning - Joe Doran
Joe asked if the recreation committee usually did most of the planning for the annual meeting? It was stated that they usually order the food and organize the potluck.
Joe also mentioned that the following Board member terms are up in September: Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Joe Doran. Someone asked how the voting happens for renewals. Joe stated that it was probably done incorrectly last year but that this year they would all be voted on.
The potluck will start at 5:30 and the meeting will start at 6:30.New Nets for Pickleball Courts – Kort Herman
Kort stated that the current nets have been used for nearly two seasons now and are starting to deteriorate, especially in the middle where the fabric holds the height of the net in place. He’d like to look into getting two new nets for next season and keeping the current nets to use along the sides to help keep the balls in place. He will look into new net options.
It was asked if the nets could be broken down and stored when not being used. It was advised that this would be difficult as the nets aren’t easily taken apart. Kylee Zimbardo asked if we could get a new volleyball net and also if the sand could be covered in the winter and new sand added in the spring to make it better to play on. Kort said he would look into a new volleyball net as well. We’d need to discuss covering the sand in the winter with Mike Riker.Solar Powered Speed Limit Signs – Kort Herman
Kort provided a photo of an example of a speed limit sign that he wondered if we could look at putting in our neighborhood. Howie stated that it is all regulated by the county. He is meeting with the county tomorrow and will discuss options with them. One resident stated that she didn’t think the signs would be helpful as they just encourage people to speed. Howie mentioned that we’ve used the rented speed signs and sent out email reminders to try to slow people down in the neighborhood. Many residents did discuss that speeding does seem to be an issue in the neighborhood.New Chairperson for Recreational Committee
LuAnne Johnson resigned/retired on August 18, 2024. A member of the recreation committee stated that no one has volunteered to be the chair of the committee but that she will reach out to see if someone would be willing to do it. She’ll also see what they can do to help with the annual meeting next month. It was also mentioned that it would be nice to get LuAnne a small token of our appreciation for all the work she has done on the Recreation Committee.Convert Shelter to Allow for Full Time Usage – Andrea Doran
Andrea Doran asked if there would be a way to convert our shelter so that it could be used year-round instead of just during the nice weather months? She was thinking of a temporary enclosure (drop-down walls, plexiglass, etc) that could be added and removed easily in conjunction with a heater or something to heat the area. She stated that it would be nice to have this available for different activities such as scrapbooking, etc. Someone mentioned renting Doty Fire Department but Andrea said that she would rather keep it in our neighborhood if possible. It was also determined that Doty doesn’t rent out space for those types of things.
Joe asked if someone could look into options and costs for this. Mike Riker said it could be challenging as there is no insulation and the walls are not airtight. Joe would still like someone to look into it. No one volunteered so Joe said he would try to dig into it. Marlowe said he could help too.
Architectural Committee - Dana Coats
Dana noted that he is in the process of getting quotes to resurface Red Deer Road. These fixes will likely be made next year given the lead time needed to get quotes and schedule the work. He reminded everyone that, unlike the county roads throughout the neighborhood, SCCE owns Red Deer Road and is responsible for maintenance. We are thankful that the county plows Red Deer in the winter.
Dana stated that there hasn’t been too much activity over the past month. Dana then stated that effective immediately, he is resigning from the Architectural Committee. Amber Rassmussen said she would volunteer to be the Chair of the committee.Water System - Mike Riker
Mike stated that he will be gearing up to take lead and copper samples. These tests are required by the State every 3 years. Water samples will be collected from previously identified sample homes throughout the neighborhood.
He noted that things are going well with the pool. He will close the pool on Labor Day at 5:00 pm for residents. The dog swim will be open to resident dogs from 5:00 until 9:00 pm at which point the pool will be closed for the season.
In past years, the pool season has been extended but this year due to consistent temperature drops in the evenings and one of the pool heaters being down/needing repair, the pool will close on Labor Day.Recreation Committee – Amber Cornford
LuAnne Johnson notified the Board that she has resigned as chair for the committee. Amber Cornford stated that she would query the committee to field interest for a new chairperson and help coordinate activities for the Annual Meeting in September. The next meeting (the Annual Meeting) will be on September 23, 2024, at 7:00 pm (potluck at 6:00 pm).
A follow-up email from Amber was sent to the Board on August 29 stating that she queried the current Recreation Committee members to see if anyone would be willing to step up as Chairperson. One member said she needed to step down and all other members said they wanted to continue on the committee but none were willing to take over the responsibilities of Chairperson. A new Chairperson is still neededThe next meeting will be on September 23, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Doty Fire Department. This will be the Annual Meeting. All residents are encouraged to attend. Potluck will begin at 6:00 pm.
With no further business, Marlowe McDowell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary