Meeting Minutes: Feb 15

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – February 15, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM by Vice President Carolyn Ellington. Board members present are Howie Aubertin, Dana Coats, Joe Hofmann and LuAnne Johnson

Board Members absent – Scott Wagner, Mike Wheeler, Marlowe McDowell

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker

Approval of agenda and call for changes – Motion was made to approve the agenda by Joe, seconded by Dana. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the January 25, 2021 meeting. Motion was made by Dana and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

New Business:

  1. Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
    * A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of February 12, 2021.
    * Payroll Summary from January through December 2021
    * Balance Sheet as January 31, 2021 (printed 02/12/2021)
    * Profit & Loss for February 1-12, 2021
    * Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2020 through February 12, 2021
    * Transaction List by Vendor for February 2021

    A/R Aging Summary as of February 12, 2021 – Kelsey will contact the top three residents who are behind on their monthly water payments. LuAnne thanked Kelsey for bringing our SCCE financial records up to date.

    A motion to approve the February financials was made by Dana and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

  2. President, Mike Wheeler, has resigned (discussed at the January 25, 2021 meeting) from the SCCE Board of Directors effective after the February 15, 2021 meeting. Mike has served on the Board of Directors since 2013. We sincerely appreciate the many years of dedicated service. Thanks, Mike!
    Vice President, Carolyn Ellington will become our new President. Thanks, Carolyn, for taking this responsibility on. Looking to replace the Vice President, Dana Coats volunteered. Thanks to Dana for volunteering! (The current Board approved)

    With these changes, Black Hills Federal Credit Union (BHFCU)’s authorization/information on our financial accounts will need to be updated. Carolyn, Howie, and Dana will need to be on the account. Kelsey said she needs to order more checks. After discussion, the checks will have two signature lines required.

    LuAnne requested to get a copy of the SCCE Pool Loan document, from BHFCU, for our records.

  3. Mr. John Santana has volunteered to become a SCCE Board Member at Large. The current Board approved (via email, January 26, 2021). Welcome to the Board John, we are looking forward to working with you!

  4. Change monthly meeting date – due to some scheduling conflicts, the SCCE Board of Directors meetings will now be held on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month. Kelsey said this will not be a problem for the bookkeeping and reports. The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 22, 2021.

  5. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    Sensus Water Meter Installation -
    * We are a GO with the water meter installation (Thank you all for your prompt reply and votes. We have approval/verification to have Mike Riker continue with the SCCE Water Meter Installation Project.

    Votes were recorded via email:

    Carolyn Ellington on 1-27-21 @ 9:43AM made the motion and voted YES
    LuAnne Johnson on 1-27-21 @ 11:27AM seconded motion and voted YES
    Mike Wheeler on 1-27-21 @ 11:56AM voted YES
    Dana Coats on 1-27-21 @ 12:34PM voted YES
    Marlowe McDowell on 1-27-21 @ 12:44PM voted YES
    Joe Hofmann on 1-27-21 @ 2:35PM voted YES
    As of 1-28-21 7:50AM, no response from:
    Howie Aubertin (Howie approved at the February 15, 2021 meeting)
    Scott Wagner

    Motion carried.
    Core & Main Contract dated 8/31/2020 for $43,576.23.

    * Mike has sent the application to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for approval of frequency communications.

    * Mike said there are some supplier cost changes. Mike explained the changes, Trimble Handheld Data collector, software, two wire system per unit. The new contract amount is $48,096.23 (please see attached proposal). These changes were also emailed to all board members on February 17, 2021.

    *With this new system requirements and training, Mike R. will be charging $25.00 per hour for additional time spent on the installation, software training, etc. Kelsey will also need this new training and we asked her to keep track of her hours so she can be reimbursed as well. May also need to purchase a new computer, to meet this software requirements, for Kelsey. (This could also help Kelsey with the trouble she is having mailing out batches of monthly statements with her current computer)

    *One resident has requested to have their own plumber install these Sensus Water Meters. A Liability Letter will be drafted and must be signed by the resident not using Loyal Plumbing.

    * Mike will email the Core & Main Credit Application to Board members. (This was emailed on February 17, 2021, Along with the cost/changes to the contract.) Will need to have this application completed ASAP.

  6. Swimming Pool Maintenance – Mike Riker
    * Mike has not hired a Swimming Pool Maintenance person yet. Jackson Herman and Dana Coats are interested in this position. LuAnne gave Mike the applicants information folder. Mike will contact Jackson and Dana. The salary will remain at $50.00 per day. $25.00 in the morning and $25.00 in the evening.
    * Pool and Spa will be hired to open the pool again for the 2021 swimming season. Weather permitting, we are looking at opening the pool on Memorial Day, May 31, 2021.
    * Due to weather and high winds, some signs will need to be replaced at the pool. It is highly recommended to purchase metal signs for durability. LuAnne will help Mike with this.

  7. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne
    * Easter Egg Hunt – We will be having the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 3, 2021 starting at 10:00am at the Commons Area. We will do our best to maintain a fun and safe Easter Egg Hunt. In years past, we have recycled most of the plastic Easter Eggs. This year, due to COVID-19 we will NOT be recycling the eggs and will need to purchase new ones in 2022. The Board agreed. Will be looking at safely having food and drinks. A motion by LuAnne and seconded by Howie to approve the Easter Egg Hunt for 2021 and new eggs for 2022. Motion carried.

  8. By-Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    * The most concerning items thus far are the roofs, campers, and boats. Dana will contact committee members to set up another meeting. Mike Wheeler is also writing a letter to the resident with a metal roof on their shed, as this is NOT allowed.

  9. Howie will contact Mike Wheeler and inquire about providing legal services to the SCCE HOA. Howie will let us know on or before the next meeting.

  10. Administrative Items –
    * Kelsey has boxes of old files. LuAnne will coordinate with her to pick these boxes up and Carolyn and LuAnne will purge the files, as they have in the past.
    * Newsletter –LuAnne - Would like to send out in March 2021. Still need articles from:
    * Article from Treasurer – Howie Aubertin
    * Article from Architect Committee – Ron Davis
    * Article from Water Committee – Mike Riker
    * Article from Covenants & By-Laws Committee – Dana Coats
    * Article from Recreation Committee – LuAnne Johnson

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on March 22, 2021 at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn, Howie seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Mar 22


Meeting Minutes: Jan 25