Meeting Minutes: Jan 25

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – January 25, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Mike Wheeler. Board members present are Carolyn Ellington, Howie Aubertin, Dana Coats, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell and LuAnne Johnson

Board Member absent – Scott Wagner

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres
Staff Absent – Mike Riker (out of town)

SCCE Residents present – John Santana, Margaret Anderson, Skip & Michele Vock, Dennis & Jan Matkins, Darrell & Judy Wangen

Approval of agenda and call for changes – Motion to move Little Free Library with John Santana and New Remote Read Water Meter to beginning of meeting. Motion to approve by Howie, Second by Dana. All approved, motion carried.

New Business:

  1. Little Free Library – SCCE resident, John Santana, has graciously designed and donated a “Little Free Library” in the shape of an airplane for our SCCE residents. This Little Library will be placed at the playground or commons area. This Little Free Library needs to be registered with the Little Free Library, National Registry. The address will be 1520 Kings Road and the Board agreed to have John Santana’s name on the register. LuAnne will coordinate with John for the placement of the Little Free Library.

  2. New Water Sensus Meter installation project for SCCE HOA.
    (NOTE: This Water Sensus Meter has been discussed/presented at several SCCE Annual Home Owners Association (HOA) meetings. At the last Annual HOA meeting on September 21, 2020, Mike Riker presented all the information for the new meters. Mike also answered various questions. This proposal was approved by the SCCE residents that were in attendance.)

    Howie Aubertin gave an overview to the SCCE residents that were in attendance. The new remote water meter equipment/installation will allow remote readings, be able to determine water leaks in our water system (this is huge), provide accurate reports of water readings/usage to the county/state are a few examples.

    LuAnne handed out the South Canyon Country Estates Water Meter Installation Project cost information. See attached document.

    The plumber (Loyal Plumbing) will contact SCCE residents and set up a time for installation. The cost for the residents will be $280.00 per unit and tax is included ($280.00 x 138 homes). The residents will also have the option to make monthly payments, up to one year. The installation of the meters will be paid by the SCCE HOA ($270.00 x 138 homes) along with software, support, plus taxes.

    There has been a resident(s) that have not provided the correct water meter information and has not paid the overage costs. This will allow true readings and being responsible for paying for the water over 10,000 gallons that they use. A reminder that the SCCE HOA fees are $70.00 per month and include 10,000 gallons of water. If the resident exceeds the 10,000 gallons, the resident is responsible for paying the overage charges.

    Darrell Wangen read note from resident, Vern Ziebart, 8505 Kings Road. See attached document on file.

    Received email from, Theodore (Ted) Ayers on January 25, 2021 at 2:09PM stating he is not in favor of the water meter changes. He is happy with the existing system. See attached email on file.

    Received email from Kimberly Panton on January 23, 2021 at 8:34pm. She stated it would have been great to have this as it was hard for her to access her meter. See attached email on file.

    Received email from Amber Rasmussen on January 23, 2021 at 5:56pm. Amber was asking if she had to use Loyal Plumbing as the contractor. I did check with Mike Riker and he said, Yes, as we would have a contract with them. See attached email on file.

    Residents’ questions and concerns were discussed and answered by the Board of Directors.

  3. Approval of Minutes from prior meeting - Minutes from the November meeting minutes were presented. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Carolyn and seconded by Joe. All approved, motion carried.

  4. Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
    * A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of January 24, 2021.
    * Payroll Summary from January through December 2021
    * Balance Sheet as January 24, 2021
    * Profit & Loss for January 1-24, 2021
    * Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2020 through January 24, 2021
    * Transaction List by Vendor for January 2021

  5. Water System Report – Mike Riker – No report

  6. Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker – No Report

  7. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne
    Spring events will be determined by COVID-19. Will discuss Easter Egg Hunt at the February 2021 Board meeting.

  8. By-Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    Three people attended this committee meeting. The committee will continue to review Covenants and report back to the Board.
    Mike Wheeler will talk to Ron Davis, Architect Committee, regarding a resident’s violation of the Covenants.

  9. Administrative Items -
    Newsletter –LuAnne - Would like to send out in March 2021. Need articles from:
    * Article from President – Mike Wheeler
    * Article from Treasurer – Howie Aubertin
    * Article from Architect Committee – Ron Davis
    * Article from Water Committee – Mike Riker
    * Article from Covenants & By-Laws Committee – Dana Coats
    * Article from Recreation Committee – LuAnne Johnson
    * Article from Welcome Committee – Carolyn Ellington
    * Swimming Pool update/Position for 2021- Mike Riker
    * Welcome to Kelsey Wyres our new Bookkeeper
    * HOA dues, publish water/HOA guidelines 2021-2022 water recording chart
    * Calendar of Events for 2021 - LuAnne
    * Little Free Library - John Santana
    * Updated Residents Phone & Address listing for 2021 – LuAnne & Kelsey
    * Dog owners clean up after their animal especially by the commons area.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on February 15, 2021 at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Marlowe made a motion to adjourn, Dana seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Feb 15


Meeting Minutes: Dec 28, 2020