Meeting Minutes: Feb 27, 2023

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – February 27, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • Board members present are Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John

    Santana, Scott Wagner, and Howie Aubertin

  • Board Member(s) absent – None

  • Staff Present – Mike Riker

  • Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres

  • Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee), Holly Riker (Website and Newsletter)

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A motion was made to approve the agenda by Scott and seconded by Mike M. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the January 2023 meeting.

  • A motion was made to approve the minutes by Scott and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.


Financials for February 23, 2023

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on February 23, 2023.

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of February 23, 2023

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2023

* Balance Sheet as of February 23, 2023

* Profit & Loss for February 1-23, 2023

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through February 23, 2023

* Transaction List by Vendor for February 2023

* BHFCU pool loan balance as of January 31, 2023 is $39,832.53

  • Howie presented the report:

    • He stated that there are four properties that have balances of $200 or more. He stated that Kelsey has contacted them but he does not have an update from her on the status of the balances. Scott mentioned concern with how many properties were delinquent and with how long they’ve been delinquent. Howie stated that Kelsey may have more information on these. Joe asked Mike R. if he has talked to anyone at the Stverak residence. Mike said he had not. Said that the curb stop is inoperable and that this is something we could work on in the Spring once the snow melts and we get some nicer weather. Howie said that someone is living there. He also said that Kelsey likely has more information on this account. Howie said he or Kelsey will follow-up and report back at the next meeting.

    • Howie also mentioned that the P&L comparison of July 1, 2022, through February 23, 2023, showed that operational expenses are up about $10,000 from last year and our income is down by about $7,000. He stated that we may want to look into increasing our HOA fees. He said he’s not ready to propose this yet but that he wants to look things over but at least wanted to put this on our radar.

    • After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for February 2023 was made by John and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.


1. Pickleball Courts

  • Pickleball Courts-Kort brought a report discussing options that might be available.

  • He stated that it has been difficult to get anyone to contact him back regarding adding lines to the court.

  • He was able to get some information in regards to us painting our own lines on the court and either adding one or more courts. John said he may have a contact who could get us in touch with someone that could paint the lines.

  • The board agreed that we should see if this pans out and then get a quote from them before deciding.

  • Joe thought it might be best to start with one court and Howie stated that it may not cost much more to do lines for two.

  • Will discuss at the next meeting.

2. QuickBooks

  • Lonnie stated that Jennie was able to find out that Kelsey can add past due amounts to bills so that residents can know how much they owe in total.

  • Kort mentioned that he looked up ACH payments through QuickBooks and found that it is possible to take ACH payments in this way for a small fee but it would be dependent on which version of QB we’re using. Something that we could look more into.

  • He also called BHFCU and found out that we could run ACH payments through them but that it would be cumbersome so using QB may be easier.

  • Lonnie said that his wife is busy with tax season and can look into this more once things slow down for her.

3. By-Laws & Covenants

  • Roxy stated that the by-laws and covenants committee is waiting on feedback from the board on how we want to proceed. She asked if we read the information given at the November meeting and if we had talked to legal.

  • Lonnie said we need to find out from a lawyer what the state requires to change by laws and covenants as we’ve heard that ours may be “expired.” Lonnie stated that Jennie called another lawyer that worked on the Red Rocks HOA who said our by-laws and covenants may be too old.

  • It was brought up that we may want to use this lawyer/law firm to help us with our by-laws and covenants. Mike M. stated that it’s important that we decide what we want to change maybe even before we speak to a lawyer about it.

  • Someone else stated that it might be better to find out if ours are even legal as they stand or if we’ll need to re-write the entire by-laws and covenants.

  • Holly and Howie brought up that it sounds like we’re trying to answer two questions:

    • First, what does it take to change the by-laws and covenants from a legal standpoint and are they currently legal?

    • Second, what language do we want to use when changing the by-laws and covenants (what to include, exclude, enforcement, etc)?

    • Howie said that he can look into this more and will attempt to contact the lawyer that Jennie talked to to try to get some more information including rates and fees.

4. Real Estate Notifications

  • Joe gave John a list of houses that sold in the last six months that he could look through to see if any had sold in our HOA. Joe said he can provide this list at future meetings.

  • Howie asked if there was information that we could give to people moving out of the area or just in general on where they can dispose of toxic or hazardous material such as oil, paint, etc.

  • Holly stated that she can put that information on the website for people to be able to find. She also said that there is already information on the website regarding amenities in the area.


1. True Green

  • Howie stated that we’ve been using True Green for a long time and that when we’ve gotten quotes from Warne Chemical, they are usually higher. He stated that True Green often adds additional fees/services which makes the bill higher.

  • He said we’ve got a $515 credit on our account because we had eliminated a third fertilizer treatment starting in 2021.

  • He said they were also doing a weed control application but he didn’t think that was necessary anymore since the parking lot is now paved and that’s mainly what the weed control application was for.

  • Howie made a motion to continue with two fertilizer applications per year and to eliminate the weed control application. Motion was seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

  • Howie stated that he will get a quote from the lawn service that we use to aerate the lawn and will let us know at the next meeting.



  • See #3 under old business.


  • There was discussion regarding a new home that is being built in the HOA on Kings Road.

  • Lonnie said that everything is in proper order and that there are no issues with the house being built from an architectural point of view.


  • Mike said that all the water meters are installed with the exception of two. One will not be installed per the board’s decision last summer and the other one will be installed in the spring at the curb stop when the weather is better. This will be installed this special way at the owner’s expense.

  • There is an issue with pump #2. Mike said they’re not sure what the issue is but that it may be a wiring issue. He said they may have to pull the pump to determine the issue and if so it may be prudent to replace the pump at that time since it’s such a big job to do. He wanted to make the board aware as it will be an expense that is likely coming up.

  • Mike said that Kelsey gave him a letter from the county that the commons area septic needs to be inspected as it was past due. He said he will talk with the county and determine what needs to be done.


  • Mike said we may want to look at hiring an alternate pool worker for the summer when he and the summer pool maintenance person isn’t able to be here.

  • Mike also said that the pool will need to be painted this spring and he’s waiting on a quote. The timeframe for this would likely be in April. He’ll let us know once we get the quote.

RECREATION COMMITTEE – LuAnne Johnson was not present

  • Holly said that all the upcoming dates are listed on the website.

  • She also mentioned that she will activate the shelter reservation form starting in April and run it through Labor



  • See #3 under Old Business.


  • Holly stated that she would like to do a spring and summer newsletter (March and May).

  • She wondered if we could use the annual meeting minutes from the last annual meeting even though they haven’t been approved yet? Could we list them as “draft?” She will talk to LuAnne to see if she knows.

Next meeting will be Monday, March 27, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Howie. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Mar 27, 2023


Meeting Minutes: Jan 23, 2023