Meeting Minutes: Mar 27, 2023
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – March 27, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present are Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John
Santana, and Scott Wagner
Board Member(s) absent – Howie Aubertin
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyres
Staff absent – Mike Riker
Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee)
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion was made to approve the agenda by Scott and seconded by Michael. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the February 2023 meeting.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Scott and seconded by John. Motion carried.
Financials for February 23, 2023
Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on March 24, 2023.
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of March 24, 2023
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2023
* Balance Sheet as of March 23, 2023
* Profit & Loss for March 1-24, 2023
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through March 24, 2023
* Transaction List by Vendor for March 2023
* BHFCU pool loan balance as of February 28, 2023 is $37,924.73
Howie was not able to attend the meeting but sent the following email dated March 26, 2023:
The financials have been reviewed. It has been a quiet month with most [of] the expenses being for operating costs of the wells. The other larger expense was for our association insurance payment.
AR Aging: Here are my thoughts
Stverak- The invoices and notifications have been going to the deceased owner. Mike Wheeler is handling the estate and now that he has been notified he will work to get the bill paid. He estimates it will take about two weeks.
Van Buskirk- Follow up to see they paid.
Jones- It appears the majority of the outstanding bill is for the water meter install. If no response in a week, send the initial bill is late letter.
Kellerman- Follow up to see they paid.
Beitz- Send out initial bill is late letter.
Dahlman- Follow up to see if paid.
Scully- I thought it was mentioned in a previous meeting that the owner or who was living there was ill or may have passed (?). Send out initial bill is late letter in hopes it will get to someone who may be checking their mail. Does anyone know the situation there?
I have been out of the area most of March. Thus, I have not followed up on the True Green Services or in contacting the Covenants lawyer. These are on my to-do list for April.
There was an inquiry from the Hoffmans as to who the Treasurer was as they had a question on the water dues. They were directed to the SCCE website for contact information. To date, I have not been contacted.
Kelsey emailed the following information on March 26, 2023
Update on the AR Aging
Stverak: The invoices and statements have actually been going to the deceased’s brother, Jason, as he was the one that took care of the last overdue payments and also the only other contact I had.
Van Buskirk: Paid
Jones: Still no reply
Kellerman: Paid
Bietz: accounting error on my part, payments were applied to the wrong address per a note from their daughter. Will get it straightened out.
Dahlman: Paid
Scully: I spoke with Gus and he said he hasn’t been able to get around or leave his house since he had a fall but will have a check ready for me before tomorrow night’s meeting.
Kelsey stated that she just picked up the check from Scully. She also stated that she talked to Mr. Jones but he said his wife takes care of the bills. She tried to call her but there was no answer and her voicemail was full.
After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for March 2023 was made by Scott and seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried.
1. Pickleball Courts
Pickleball Courts- Kort got a name (Bryan Rice) from someone at Church. He attempted to contact Bryan but was unable to get a hold of him. Joe asked if this is something we could do ourselves. Kort stated that it is likely possible. Joe recommended that we postpone the discussion until the weather is better and we can then decide how we would like to proceed.
2. QuickBooks
This topic will be tabled until after tax season
3. True Green-See note from Howie above
4. Real Estate Notifications
Joe didn’t print the real estate notifications for tonight’s meeting but will bring them next time.
1. Speed Limit
Michael has noticed that many people seem to be speeding in our neighborhood. He wondered if we could send out a reminder to slow down. John stated that he knows someone with the Sheriff's department and he will see if they can come out and set up a radar or a speed sign as a reminder of the speed limit.
We’re waiting to hear from Howie in regards to the lawyer's suggestions (see note from Howie above) and also to get the Board’s direction.
She stated that they had one inquiry about fence set-backs.
Scott asked about solar panels. He stated that he saw some solar shingles at the home show. Lonnie stated that it will need to be voted on by the residents to determine if this is something that will be allowed in the future or not.
Roxy suggested that we keep it open so that the architectural committee can approve such things as technological improvements, etc without having to change the covenants/bylaws every time a change is needed to be made.
Lonnie stated that someone from Wagner Roofing contacted him asking him if our covenants allowed solar roofing. He told him that as of now solar roofing is not allowed per the covenants but that it is something that will be decided in the future by the residents. The Wagner Roofing
rep asked if he could come and talk to the Board about their products.
Kort stated that he didn’t think that would be necessary as it wasn’t up to the Board to decide if solar would be allowed and that we needed to see how the residents feel about it. Everyone agreed.
John asked if the new house being built would need to have a water meter ordered or if we had extras.
Mike was not present tonight so we can find out at the next meeting.
Mike Riker was not present
Mike Riker was not present
LuAnne was not present
Roxy said that they have 1,200 Easter Eggs filled with candy ready to go for the Easter Egg Hunt.
John mentioned that Robert and Janet Young are buying Betty Duncan’s home on Kings Road.
Holly was not present
Roxy asked if anyone knew when Holly planned on sending out the newsletter as she wanted to put something about the covenants committee in it. No one was sure. Roxy stated that she thinks it will be best to hear from the lawyer before we put anything in the newsletter
Next meeting will be Monday, April 24th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
With no further business, Lonnie made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary