Meeting Minutes: Apr 24, 2023

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – April 24, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Board Vice President, Lonnie Steinmetz.

  • Board members present are Michael Montileone, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John Santana, Howie Aubertin and Scott Wagner

  • Board Member(s) absent – Joe Doran

  • Staff Present – Mike Riker

  • Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres

  • Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee), Amber Rasmussen

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A motion was made to approve the agenda by Howie and seconded by Michael. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the February, 2023 meeting.

  • A motion was made to approve the minutes by Howie and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.


Financials for April 23, 2023

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on April 23, 2023.

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of April 23, 2023

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2023

* Balance Sheet as of April 21,, 2023

* Profit & Loss for April 1-21, 2023

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through April 21, 2023

* Transaction List by Vendor for April 2023

* BHFCU pool loan balance as of March 31, 2023 is $36,027.68

  • Howie stated that Kelsey has done well getting water bills paid.

  • We’re waiting to hear back from attorney Mike Wheeler in regards to Stverak. Howie said the estate is in probate and Mike Wheeler will work to get the bill paid. Amber stated that she believes that the people currently living there will end up owning the property.

  • Howie said that it was a light month in regards to outgoing payments/bills.

  • Our IRS payment was made. He also mentioned that we netted about $6,600 last month.

  • Howie brought up our current investments and stated that we made about $400 on $65,000 in CD’s over the past year. He’d like to visit with BHFCU to see if there are other options that would pay better. Amber asked if there were other investment options and mentioned that she knows someone at Edward Jones if Howie would like to visit with them.

  • We currently have two CD’s and both will mature on 12/30/2023 per the bank statement.

  • After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for March 2023 was made by Scott and seconded by Michael. Motion carried.


  1. Pickleball Courts- Kort stated that we’re still waiting to find out more regarding this. He visited with Bryan Rice who stated that he would take a look to see what we can do. Will need to wait on the weather.

  2. QuickBooks- Lonnie stated that per Jennie, we can activate payment options in QB. The invoice would have a link that would allow different payment options. The cost for $70.00 would be $2.28 which would be added to the next month’s bill. We need to decide if we want to activate that option or not.

  3. True Green-Howie talked to True Green. They are doing 3 fertilizer applications per year which are $630 per application. It was $250 for the weed control which we’ve asked them to stop doing since it’s no longer necessary. We now have a credit on our account. Howie wants to discuss further if there are other options which could save money. Maybe see if our current lawn care people do this, have the pool maintenance person do this, etc? Mike R. stated that it’s a large area and often times by the time we’re done paying for the materials and someone to do it, it may be more efficient and cost effective to continue to have True Green do it. It’s something Howie will look in to and report back.

  4. Lawyer-Howie stated that he has not been able to contact the lawyer yet due to his personal schedule. He said that he will have more time now that he’s retired and will reach out within the next couple of weeks and report back at the next meeting.


  1. Complaint about dogs on Kings Road from Arlene Naasz. Joe sent an email and has not gotten a response back. Mike R. stated that he talked to them and considers the matter closed.

  2. This brought up the covenants. Roxy stated that with something like this which seemed like an immediate threat we shouldn’t send an email or letter as it would take too long. This is more of a covenant enforcement issue which needs to get figured out via the covenants committee.



  • Roxy stated that we’re still waiting to hear the outcome of the attorney’s discussion and that until that happens, we can’t do much.

  • Roxy then advised that she is resigning from the By Laws and Covenants Committee. She feels that she isn’t the right person for this position and that it will need someone who can keep pushing it and moving it forward.

  • She states that since she started, about a year and a half ago, nothing has really gotten done and we’re still in the same spot as when she started.

  • She feels that we need the attorney’s guidance and that enforcement is the biggest issue and how that will be handled moving forward.

  • Howie stated that he will help with the committee and that he would like to see resolution of the covenants and by laws within the calendar year.


  • Nothing new to report. Foundation on the new house was poured today.

  • Michael M. asked how the architect committee policed things. Wondered if they had to have a complaint to look into it or how it worked?

  • Lonnie and Howie mentioned that it’s a covenant issue and this is part of the reason we need to rework the covenants.


  • Mike said there’s still an issue with well #2. They’re working on troubleshooting it and he’s not sure if it will need to be pulled out yet or not. He’ll let us know as they learn more.

  • Mike said he got the report back from the tank cleaners and everything looked good with a few minor repair recommendations, mostly to the exterior.


  • Mike Riker stated that the meter reading is going well and that there is one meter left to install.


  • LuAnne was not present

  • Mike R. stated that they’re waiting to hear back from the pool company that sandblasts and paints the pool.

  • He’s also looking to purchase chemicals from the pool store when they have their sale. He’ll request payment for that when he purchases the chemicals.

  • He reminded the board of the clean-up day on May 20th. He also stated that they’ve had two responses for the additional pool help. He’ll keep us posted as that progresses.

  • The Easter Egg Hung was a success. There were 1,855 eggs.

  • The dumpster is ready for use in the commons area.


  • No update


  • Holly was not present

Next meeting will be Monday, May 22nd, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: May 22, 2023


Meeting Minutes: Mar 27, 2023