Meeting Minutes: May 22, 2023

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – May 22, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm.

  • Board members present: Scott Wagner, John Santana, Marlowe McDowell, Michael

    Montileone, and Joe Doran.

  • Board Member(s) absent – Howie Aubertin, Kort Herman and Lonnie Steinmetz

  • Andrea Doran took minutes.

  • Resident(s) present – Luanne Johnson, Amber Rasmussen, and Rodney Cornwell

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • No one had comments on minutes.

  • Scott Wagner motioned to approve and Michael Montileone seconded. No opposing.


  • Ley wrote a check for $220 and it was returned. Waiting on a response from Ley.

  • Jones over on meter still.

  • Coopers since paid.

  • Mike Wheeler is still working on getting payment on Stervek’s house and getting payment from Estate.

  • Amber Rasmussen shared that Luke Wheeler is living in the house.

  • Luanne asked if tenants are paying current monthly water bills? Are we looking for all past due money or are we just looking for past prior to tenant?

  • Mike Monteleone wanted to know if we can shut them off.

  • Scott Wagner asked if we let tenants leave without getting paid.

  • There was discussion about who lived in the house before Jason died and girlfriend got kicked out.

  • Now Luke Wheeler is living there.

  • Scott Wagner looking at old April financial report.

  • Joe Doran referenced May’s report and that this HOA payment is paid.

  • 1415 Penny Lane (Ley) is 4 months behind totaling approximately $300.

  • Marlowe made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Mike Montileone seconded. No. opposed.


  1. Pickleball Courts- Kort has someone lined up to come and look at it. LuAnne suggested a portable court for $419.95 to get one going for summer. Do we want to get the net up? Do we need to get lines painted? TR Horton might paint lines for us and has painted a project like this for us for free in the past. Linda Iverson was mentioned as a resident asking about getting a pickle ball court. Judy Wangen was mentioned as having a portable court on her lot during Covid and having knowledge of pickle ball. Kort is consulting with Bryan Rice who knows a lot about pickle ball and who was instrumental in getting Wilson Park pickleball court set up. LuAnne expressed that something needs to be done, and LuAnne is willing to help to get things done for the summer. Mike Montileone made a motion to approve Kort spending $1,500 to get a pickle ball court in place as soon as possible. All were in favor except Scott Wagner opposed.

  2. QuickBooks- No discussion.

  3. True Green- no discussion hold off on spraying pending pool work. Mike Riker is talking to them.

  4. Fleming Brothers- might be doing the mowing. Amber Rasmussen wanted to know if we are taking bids. Amber knows Josh Racini who does fertilizing and mowing. Amber will contact Mike Riker about having have Josh Racini call Mike Riker to give us a quote on his prices and the work scope. Do we need to call Dan to ask what Fleming Brothers does for us. Kelsey has the contract for Fleming Brothers. John Santana found in the financials that we paid $250 in lawn care in May 2023.

  5. Lawyer- trying to locate an attorney for the covenants. Howie is looking into this. LuAnne had a question about the scope of what Howie was asking an attorney to do for us. Was it just to look into the covenants?


  1. Light at Kings and Blackbird: Mike Montileone sent an email to the board regarding his conversation with Olsen’s towing people and their damage to the light. Olsen’s backed into and broke the street light which damaged a fiberglass transformer lid. Mike Montileone talked with Josh at Olsens and they said it would be taken care of ASAP. Olsen’s has also contacted Black Hills Energy (BHE) and they will pay for the transformer lid. The light is still down. Marlowe McDowell mentioned his wife Christy talked to BHE about the light’s brightness. BHE is not sure if they will replace it with a stargazer light or not. Mike Montileone will check-up on the progress of the light repair.

  2. Metal fascia on pool buildings for less maintenance: John Santana got an estimate of putting metal over the existing siding on the pavilion. The Knecht’s quote is for approx. $259. Amber Rasmussen wanted to know if that changed SCCE’s insurance coverage. John Santana will look at the other pool shed to see if it needs replaced too and will revisit at next meeting.

  3. Approve collars expense for septic tank: LuAnne Johnson said we did have the septic inspected before the new pool came in 2017 or 2018 ish. LuAnne will look in the minutes for the previous inspection and into the inspection certificate from the county. John Santana will check with Mike Riker on the cost of installing these in. LuAnne Johnson said that Kody Bybee gave a suggestion to put slats in the pool fence to have a windbreak on one side of the pool. LuAnne will ask Kody on what the maintenance cost will be for this.



  • Mark Peters 4/25 email:

    • On 4/27, Mike Montileone forwarded Mark Peters’ 4/25 email to the Architect and covenants committee people and he thought also others, but others did not receive it.

    • Mark Peters 4/25 14 page email was requesting to make several changes and updates to his house and property.

    • Mike Montileone received a response from Howie on 4/28 saying he would pass the info on to Architect Committee and they would meet with Mark to discuss what he wanted to do.

    • Mike hasn’t heard anything since. Mike wants to know if anyone responded to Mark Peters and quoted that we only have 30 days to reply or we waive approval.

    • Ted Johnson, LuAnne’s husband also talked with Mark Peters and said he would pass his information on to the architecture and covenant committee.

    • Mark Peters also told Mike Montileone he tried to submit his request through our website, and didn’t hear anything, so he talked to Ted and sent his email to Mike.

    • Mark Peters lives at the end of Kings Road on the right hand side with the big rocks by the drive way. Mark Peters wants to move the rocks to the back of property, move a shed, and make a wind wall. It would take him part of 2023 and 2024 to complete.

    • Mike Montileone re-sent his email with Mark Peters’ 4/25 email to Joe Doran tonight.


  • No one present

  • Amber Rasmussen had a question about her retaining wall. She had lots of damage from the last hail storm and wanted to make some improvements.

  • LuAnne Johnson told her if she wanted to replace her retaining wall, the only issue would be the stone color for the improvement.

  • Amber will check with Lonnie on the architecture committee.


  • Mike Riker was not present


  • No update


  • LuAnne Johnson reported a bill for $126.96 for the Easter Egg Hunt.

  • LuAnne wanted to know if Shenoah Jensen had submitted her expenses too and if she was paid.

  • LuAnne reported that the Annual First Responders Picnic was coming up on the second Saturday in June, June 10th from 11AM-1PM. They are expecting about 75 people.

  • Joe Hoffman used to get hold of Doty to invite them. Someone needs to get hold of Doty this year and invite them.

  • The $9.59 per month is for google suites and that she pays $10.00 per year for the domain name. She wants the association to take over paying that so it’s not on her personal account or card. Prior to the meeting tonight, LuAnne talked to Holly Riker

    about paying this on ChitChat. LuAnne will talk to Holly about taking this over.

  • Mike Montileone motioned to have Kelsey reimburse LuAnne for the last 5 months of paying this. Marlowe McDowell seconded. All agreed and none opposed.


  • No update


  • Holly was not present

Next meeting will be Monday, June 26th, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

Scott Wagner motioned to adjourn. All agreed, none opposed. Meeting closed at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Jun 26, 2023


Meeting Minutes: Apr 24, 2023