Meeting Minutes: Aug 28, 2023
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – August 28, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present are Michael Montileone, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John Santana, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Scott Wagner
Board Member(s) absent – Howie Aubertin
Staff Present – Mike Riker
Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres
Resident(s) present – Dana Coats (Architect Committee), Carolyn Ellington, Caroline Skromeda, Dawn Liberty, Amber Rasmussen, Holly Riker (Website and Newsletter).
Special Guest: Mike Wheeler (attorney)
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion was made to approve the agenda by Marlowe and seconded by Lonnie. Motion
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the July 2023 meeting.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Scott and seconded by John. Motion carried.
Mr. Wheeler stated that he is unsure of where the Board is with amending the covenants but wanted to explain the process so that it would be clear if and when the Board decides to move forward.
In order to change the covenants, we must have a majority of lot owners vote to make the changes. This would need to be all owners listed on the lot (husband and wife, etc).
The vote can be done via email or via physical signatures obtained. We need to be able to provide proof that a majority of the residents approved the changes to the covenants. Once we get a majority, the president would sign a certificate and then the changes would be recorded at the Register of Deeds office.
Mr. Wheeler stated that we, as the Board, must decide what we’d like to change and then submit it to him to draw up the changes. He stated that his cost would be between $750 and $2,500 depending on what changes need to be made.
Lonnie stated that based on the survey that was completed, the covenants committee took the top three issues and came up with wording on how to change it.
Mr. Wheeler stated that the Board needs to be unified on the changes in order to guide the residents.
Mike M. asked what we could do about enforcement.
Mr. Wheeler stated that overall he feels the residents do a good job of complying with the covenants but that if enforcement is needed he suggests sending a certified letter that explains the violation. A time period could be given to correct the situation. If not corrected, at this point our next option would be to hire a lawyer and get a court order. He stated that there could be penalties and fines written into the new covenants.
Financials for August 27, 2023
Financial Reports were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on August 27, 2023.
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of August 27, 2023
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2023
* Balance Sheet as of August 27, 2023
* Profit & Loss for August 1- 27, 2023
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through August 27, 2023
* Transaction List by Vendor for August 2023
* BHFCU pool loan balance as of July 31, 2023 is $28,321.87
Howie and Kelsey were not present to provide a report.
After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for August 2023 was made by Lonnie and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.
Light at Kings & Blackbird - Marlowe
Marlowe said that we’re on a list with the power company and that it’s being worked on.Non-Residents at the Pool/Locks on Gates- Carolyn
Carolyn stated that they’ve been collecting data for about 6 weeks. What they’ve found is that most people are relatives or friends of residents but that they are there without the residents being present.
Joe would like to have Carolyn make a presentation at the annual meeting next month and then go over options to see what the majority of residents would like to do. He feels that a key fob system would be best since we are able to control when it’s used and who can use it. Dana mentioned that we would want to inform residents that there would be a fee if they lost their fob. Joe thought it would be good to use the same system for the basketball/pickleball courts as well.Board Common Edits Notebook - Kort
Kort stated that he’s keeping a google document with common items that arise. He can pass it on to the next secretary.Pickleball 2nd Court - Kort
Kort said that he, Ted, Brian, and John were able to get the 2nd court painted. Mike R. asked what we’d like to do with the gate once the pool closes. He suggested a lock box in the shelter that residents could have the code for. It would give them access to a key that could be used to unlock the gate so that the courts can be used once the pool is closed. It was also mentioned that using a fob on that lock could work too if that’s the route the Board decides to take.Metal Fascia on Pool Buildings - Marlowe & John
Marlowe stated that he and John have not talked about it since the last meeting and that they’ll try to talk it over in the next couple of weeks.
Dog Letter - Joe
The Board of Directors received a complaint regarding dogs at large/unrestrained on August 15, 2023. The complaint listed several violations including a person being attacked by a dog and a dog attacking another dog.
SCCE Covenants – II - Residential Area Covenants #14:
“… All dogs must be confined to a lot owned by owner of project. No animal shall be permitted to run at Large, nor shall chronic barking dogs be kept on any property.”
An ordinance providing for the licensing and control of animals within Pennington County.
Section 1. Definitions:
D. AT LARGE - Any animal, not including livestock, that is off the property of its owner and not under restraint of a competent person.W. UNDER RESTRAINT - An animal is secured by a leash, led under the control of a person physically capable of restraining the animal and obedient to that person’s commands, enclosed within a vehicle being driven or parked on the streets, or securely enclosed within the real property limits of the owner’s premises.
During the discussion, it was asked if dogs under control on e-collars are considered at large. It was also brought up that some dogs are walked without being on a lead but are under control at all times. The general consensus was that this pertains to dogs running loose and not under “complete” control of their owners. Joe stated that he would check with the county to see what can be done at the county level.
Agenda for September Annual Meeting - Joe
The meeting will be on September 25th at 7:00 pm. There will be a potluck from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. The earliest Kris is able to open the door is 4:30 that afternoon for set-up. Joe will start the meeting and then follow the order from the minutes from the last annual meeting.
Carolyn will give a presentation about the pool and Joe will discuss options including key fob, keys, etc. Joe stated that he would email an agenda out to the Board for review as soon as he is able.
Scott Wagner stated that he would be retiring/resigning from the Board so his seat will be vacant. Kort said that he would look through the information that LuAnne gave him to determine if other terms are coming up. Kort mentioned that being secretary is not his calling and that he does not want that role moving forward.
See notes from above regarding attorney presentation.
Joe stated that he feels the Board or committee should meet before the annual meeting to discuss what they would like to talk about during the meeting.
ARCHITECT COMMITTEE – Lonnie Steinmetz & Dana Coats
Nothing new to report regarding approvals.
Dana said that for small projects they require one member of the covenants committee to approve it and for larger projects, they like to have all members approve.
Someone asked about setting up the online form to a digital form that could be submitted through the website. Right now, the form needs to be printed, filled out, and then scanned and emailed or physically returned. If we could set the form up digitally then it could just be done online.
Holly stated that we would need to establish a process if we want an editable form.
Lonnie stated that the architectural committee could work on that and let her know.
Dana mentioned that he could talk about the architectural committee at the annual meeting.
Mike R. said that Dirk is taking care of the pool.
Due to warmer weather and being out of town, he is planning on closing the pool on 9/10/23.
It will be open in the morning at 9:00 for the swimmers and then the Bark and Splash will be from 2:00 to 4:00.
He is planning on doing the seasonal closure from the 22nd through the 28th and will contact Pool and Spa to have them find the leaks that will need to be repaired.
Holly said she would send out a draft newsletter for review regarding pool closure, annual meeting, pickleball courts, etc.
LuAnne was not able to attend the meeting but submitted an email:
As I mentioned before, the annual HOA meeting will held at Doty VFD on September 25th.
Potluck starts at 6pm and the Annual HOA meeting begins at 7pm.
I believe Joe reserved the hall for that night.
Pool closure and Bark and Splash - not sure what date Mike Riker is looking at. But once it is set, this needs to be placed on our website. Thank you.
I still need to get some information to Holly for the monthly website cost.
Kort had mentioned in the last minutes that I would get a resident phone listing out. I can do this, my suggestion would be to send it out after the annual meeting where residents can correct and update their information as needed. I will also need to get information from Kelsey to complete this. (New residents etc)
Thanks to Kort & crew for getting the pickleball courts ready to play.
And John for the awesome bench and racquet holders. Great teamwork!
No updates
Next meeting (Annual Meeting) will be Monday, September 25, 2023, at 6:00 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary