Meeting Minutes: Sept 25, 2023

SCCE Annual Home Owners Meeting – September 25, 2023

PLEASE NOTE: the following South Canyon Country Estates Homeowners Association Annual Meeting Minutes were approved with one clarification* at the Annual Meeting on September 23, 2024.

*See Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report & Approval of Financials; bullet #10

The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by President Joe Doran.

  • Board Members Present – Scott Wagner, Marlowe McDowell, Kort Herman, Lonnie Steinmetz,

    Michael Montileone, John Santana, Howie Aubertin, and Joe Doran.

  • Board Member(s) Absent – None

  • Staff Present – Mike Riker and Kelsey Wyres

  • Staff Absent – None

  • Resident(s) Present – The meeting was attended by 30 registered residents

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A motion to approve the agenda was made by Scott Wagner and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.

  • Minutes from the Annual Meeting held September 26, 2022, were available on the website and available in written form at the meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Scott Wagner and seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried.

President Joe Doran started the meeting by informing the residents that:

  • The speed limit in the development is 25 MPH. Residents need to be mindful and remind their friends and family as well.

  • The Board approved hiring an administrative assistant to take minutes at Board meetings, produce a violation of covenant letters with the assistance of our legal counsel, manage contracts with vendors, manage HOA insurance as well as other duties.

  • Caroline Skromeda asked if the position would be hourly or a set amount and if the position would be part-time or full-time. Joe stated that we’re still working on the details but that the position would be part-time.

  • The Board has looked into ways to secure the pool area (and tennis and basketball area) from non-resident use. Carolyn Ellington made a brief presentation on what she and a group of volunteers found during the summer. She stated that they are aware of non-residents using the pool. A key finding was that many of the non-residents stated that they knew someone in the HOA and had permission to be there even though the residents weren’t with them and oftentimes didn’t know they were there. Joe stated that the Board, with the help of volunteer residents, came up with a few options. Options included tags, keys, a lock box, and a key fob system.

  • Dawn Liberty asked if the Board is still looking at ideas of if they’ve decided to go with the key fob? Joe feels that the key fob will be our best option because it gives the HOA control and information since it will be electronic and computerized. The cost is about $7,200. Each household would get a fob (or 2) initially. If a fob is lost or needs to be replaced it would be the resident’s responsibility to pay to have it replaced.

  • 99% of the water meters have been installed and are working very well.

  • Holy Riker has updated our website and it offers a wealth of information for our residents.

  • We put up a wind and shade screen around the pool which has helped.

  • Lines were painted on the tennis court to add two pickleball courts. They are up and running.

  • Linda Iverson asked if there was a way to be able to schedule matches at the pickleball courts. She said the Canyon Lake Community Center has this via an app and that it works great. Holly stated that she would have to look into it to see if this is something we can do.


Howie Aubertin (Treasurer) provided copies of the financial statements through September 24, 2023, to each table, gave the financial reports, and answered questions. Howie discussed the following:

  • The pool loan will be paid off in September of 2024 which will reduce annual spending by $24,000. Balance as of August 31, 2023 was $26,371.80.

  • We’re working on ACH bank drafts with BHFCU to have residents pay their association dues. The expectation is that everyone would be required to participate by linking their bank account and having an automatic draft each month. Caroline Skromeda asked if it would require the account to be with BHFCU? Howie stated that residents can bank wherever they like. BHFCU is just the bank that would initiate the draft from whatever bank/account the resident chooses.

  • Lynn Iverson asked how the rates were on our savings and CDs. Howie stated that he recently visited with BHFCU and will be renewing the CDs at much better rates than the auto-renew, he’ll also be looking into the savings account rate and trying to determine how much we should have in savings vs putting into CDs.

  • Ted Johnson asked if we’ve had an audit done recently. He stated that we used to get an audit report when the audits were done. Howie stated that the cost of an audit is substantial and that we’re also using Casey Peterson to do our taxes so he feels that by having them involved is sufficient and avoids the extra costs.

  • We will be looking at increasing the dues by approximately $20-$30 per month. Howie will conduct research to determine the amount we will need on hand to assist with an emergency such as a failed water main, pumps, etc, and how that will guide the dues increase. He also mentioned that costs on everything have increased so what we’re paying out is more.

  • Troy Eggum asked if we could use the $24,000 from the pool or would we still need to increase the dues? Howie mentioned that he still needs to do the research but that unexpected expenses can be very costly.

  • Kevin Mooney asked when the rate increase would go into effect. Howie stated that it would have to be researched and then brought to the Board and the residents for approval.

  • Dawn Liberty asked if the increase was needed to pay for the administrative assistant position/extra staff. Howie stated that the purpose of the increase would be to have funds on hand in the event of an emergency within the HOA.

  • Kelsey Wyres stated that the discussion of an increase has been ongoing for several years so the increase is not just to pay for additional employees as that’s only been recently discussed.

  • Shawn Trupe said that this increase would be a 43% increase which is well above the inflation rate. She asked if the community would be making a vote or if the Board had the authority to make this increase.
    Clarification prior to approval of the 2023 Annual Minutes - According to Article VI, Section 6.03, the Board has the authority to determine the rate of the water fees according to the need of the HOA.  From the covenants: “The Board of Directors shall, prior to the beginning of each calendar year, determine the flat minimum monthly rate to be charged each member during the following calendar year for a specified quantity of water and other Corporate services, such flat minimum monthly rate to be payable irrespective of whether any water is used by a member during any month, and the amount of additional charges, if any, for additional water which may be supplied and the members shall fix the date for the payment of such charges, and shall notify each member of the amount of such charges and the dates for the payment thereof. A member to be entitled to the delivery of water shall pay such charges at the office of the Corporation at or prior to the dates fixed by the Board of Directors.

  • Morey Trupe stated that the Board should be a fiduciary for the development and not just building up funds. Howie restated that we’re not wanting to just build up our funds to build them up. Rather, we want to have funds available in the event of an emergency. Even to borrow funds from the bank, the HOA would need a certain amount of cash on hand to be able to get a loan.

A motion to approve the financials was made by Marlowe McDowell and seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried.


Mike Riker, Water Systems Manager presented the 2023 Annual Meeting Water Report to residents. This full report is also posted in the picnic shelter and online at our website.

  • The costs of maintaining our water system - Costs have gone up and maintenance/replacement will continue to be needed as our system ages.

  • Our water system and pressure system condition - Overall, the system is in good shape. The wells are functioning properly.

  • Andrea Doran asked how old the system is. Mike stated that the last update was in 1997. He stated that the life expectancy of a well is 12 to 15 years.

  • Well status: CADA system which has been in place since 2015.

  • The system allows us to provide constant monitoring of the system which will in turn allow us to provide safe reliable drinking water and be able to respond to any issues within a quick time frame.

  • Distribution System: Currently no leaks.

  • Storage Tank: 140,000 gallons of water storage. The tank was cleaned on September 24, 2022. The vent pipe needs some minor repairs and the exterior of the tank should be painted soon to keep the tank from rusting as the original coating is wearing thin. The tank will be scheduled again for cleaning in 2027.

  • Laboratory Testing: No violations.

  • New water projects: The Board and water committee are continually looking at the budget and weighing and prioritizing updates to our system. We are still considering potential projects and our goal is to upgrade when we can while being mindful of costs.

  • Additional information: Lead Free SD is a survey that homeowners can do to help the Lead Free SD initiative. Mike said that they have information about it on the FB page or residents can go to He stated that it should take about 5 minutes to complete the survey.

Thanks, Mike Riker, for your time, dedication, and expertise in maintaining our SCCE Water System. You are appreciated!

A motion to approve the water systems report was made by Lonnie and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.


Mike Riker reported:

  • Chemicals - Mike bought pool chemicals early in the season and was able to get a 20% discount. Hoping to do that again next pool season.

  • Pool & Spa will be closing out the pool this year. There are some known leaks and they will be finding them and fixing them before the next pool season. It will require some cement work but they’ll work to ensure that it is done professionally and looks great.

  • Thank you to Jackson Herman, Pool Maintenance, and Dirk Dosch Pool and Lawn Maintenance, and Mike Riker, Pool Manager.


Holy Riker, website administrator, offered the following reminders:

  • SCCE Residents will now be receiving SCCE Information from the website email address,

  • Holly encouraged residents to go to the website as there is a lot of useful information and answers to many commonly asked questions. If residents have questions they can submit them through the website.


Lonnie Steinmetz reported:

  • How and where to apply for new/changes to SCCE residential property? The website is the best way to apply. The form needs to be printed and filled out and then either turned in or emailed to the architectural committee. Holly stated that they’re looking at being able to complete the form on the website but that she will have to look into it to determine if this is something we can do.

  • Why to apply for new/changes to SCCE residential property? Any changes in outside appearance such as color, adding a shed or garage, a new roof (colors), etc. Bonita Ley asked if white was allowed as it wasn’t in the past and there is a new house being built that is white. Lonnie stated that white is considered an earth-tone color and is acceptable as long as it’s an off-white, which the new house is.


Howie Aubertin, Committee Chair, provided a survey summary from the survey that was completed in 2022.

Based on the survey results, items that the community supported are:

  • Updating building materials/Architectural

    • Metal roofs

    • Allowing solar

    • Updating acceptable siding materials

  • Better Defining:

    • Sheds-materials and colors

    • Fences-materials and colors

    • Lot maintenance and landscaping

  • RV’s and other Vehicles

    • Allow outside parking

    • Prohibit unlicensed and non-operable vehicles

    • Clarify allowable location and number of vehicles

  • Enforcement of covenants

    • Keep a personal approach and not hire an outside company and not have a fine structure for violations

Based on the survey results, items that the community opposed are:

  • Colors

    • The community does not support paint colors outside of earth-tone colors

  • Other

    • The community does not support allowing residents to have chickens, quails, or rabbits.

    • The community does not support limiting the number of pets residents may have.

Howie stated that he will work with the Bylaws and Covenants committee to capture the sentiment of the community based on the survey and will then draft the proposed changes. Once drafted, the proposed changes to the bylaws and covenants will need to be voted on by the residents.

The Board will use emails, letters and door-to-door canvasing to ensure all residents are provided the opportunity to vote. If approved, the changes will be recorded at the County Records Office. Howie stated that he would like to see this completed by the Spring of 2024.

Amber Rasmussen asked if we need a full majority or just a majority of those who vote if not everyone votes. Howie stated that in order to approve the changes, a simple majority (51%) of all residents/households is required.

Morey Trupe stated that this information is incorrect and that to change bylaws and covenants a two-thirds majority is needed. Howie mentioned that we discussed this with our attorney, Mike Wheeler at our last meeting (August 2023). Mr. Wheeler stated that a simple majority is what is needed per the bylaws. Morey Trupe stated that Mr. Wheeler is incorrect, that it would require a two-thirds majority, and that the Board needs to double-check with Mr. Wheeler.

Howie stated that he would look into the matter to make sure the Board is aware of what majority is required. Dawn Liberty asked if the community could have a say in the refinements or if the Board would do it all. Howie stated that there would be open communication and opportunities for the community to be involved.

It was also asked if the changes would all be one vote or if the items to be changed would be voted on individually. It was stated that the items would be line items and each change would be voted on separately.


The report was provided by LuAnne Johnson, Committee Chair, who started by welcoming the new residents who were in attendance.

  • The recreation committee had a great year. Events included were:

    • Easter Egg Hunt

    • Spring Clean-up

    • Say Hello to Summer First Responders Picnic.

The Say Hello to Summer First Responders Picnic was originally scheduled on a Saturday but the weather didn’t allow so it was rescheduled to Sunday. It was well attended and worked out well. The Recreation Committee has decided to move next year’s event to Sunday from 12:30 to 2:00.

The Annual Halloween Pizza Party will be held on October 31st, from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM at the picnic shelter.

SCCE Calendar of Events for 2023-2024 was available at the check-in table and is also available on-line.


The SCCE Board of Directors meetings are held on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month starting at 6:30 PM at Doty Volunteer Fire Department. Residents are more than welcome to attend.


The following Board Members terms end:

  • Member at Large – Scott Wagner - Resigning

  • Kort Herman - 2-year term ended - agreeing to another 2-year term

  • Howie Aubertin - 2-year term ended - agreeing to another 2-year term

  • Marlowe McDowell - 2-year term ended - agreeing to another 2-year term

Nominations from the floor for Member at Large:

  • Chuck Liberty and Amber Rasmussen

  • Chuck Liberty was elected as a Board Member at Large.

  • Thanks to Chuck and Amber for their willingness to serve on the Board.

Thank you to the residents who took the time to attend our Annual HOA meeting. We appreciate your input and support!

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Mike Montileone and seconded by Caroline Skromeda. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman


SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – (held after the Annual Meeting)

The meeting was called to order at 8:48 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • Board members present are Michael Montileone, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John Santana, Howie Aubertin, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Chuck Liberty (newly elected)

  • Board Member(s) absent – None

  • Staff Present – None

  • Staff absent – Mike Riker and Kelsey Wyres

  • Resident(s) present – None

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • No agenda was prepared for this meeting. This meeting was held directly following the Annual Meeting

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the August 28, 2023 meeting. Minutes were not approved and will need to be approved during the October meeting.


The financial update was given during the annual meeting


  1. Approval of Key Fob System
    Discussion was held regarding the key fob system. It was discussed that each household would receive two key fobs and that each household would sign an agreement upon receipt of the fobs stating that they are responsible to pay for lost or damaged key fobs. A motion was made by Michael Montlieone to approve hiring Harvery’s Lock Shop to install the key fob system to the pool and tennis court gates. Seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried. Joe stated that he will contact Harvey’s to get the installation set up.

  2. Metal Fascia on Pool Buildings - Marlowe & John
    Marlowe stated that he and John have talked about it and will try to get to it as soon as they can.


  1. Administrative Assistant
    On September 1, 2023, a motion was made by Howie Aubertin to create a compensated administrative position for the purpose of attending the monthly and annual meetings, taking minutes of meetings and other official business, preparing for the Board official correspondence for signature by the Board. The motion was seconded by Kort Herman. Motion passed via votes from all Board Members with the exception of Scott Wagner.

    During the discussion, it was determined that we need to create a job description and determine the pay. Howie recommended we set up a committee to discuss these items and present them to the board. Committee members will be Howie Aubertin, Kort Herman, and Kelsey Wyres. Kort stated that he would visit with LuAnne Johnson, previous Secretary to gather more information in determining the job description.

  2. ACH Payments
    We will discuss implementing ACH payments through BHFCU at our next meeting.

  3. Condition and Color of Well House
    Howie mentioned that he has noticed that the well house may be in need of some minor repairs and painting. He also said that the color does not match other structures. He recommends discussing this further at the next meeting.

  4. Administrative - Joe

    Next meeting will be Monday, October 23, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, John made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Oct 23, 2023


Meeting Minutes: Aug 28, 2023