Meeting Minutes: Oct 23, 2023
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – October 23, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 6:29 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present are Michael Montileone, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Chuck Liberty (newly elected)
Board Member(s) absent – John Santana
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyers
Staff Absent – Mike Riker
Resident(s) present – Jennie Steinmetz, JuAnne Johnson
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion to approve the agenda was made by Marlowe and seconded by Chuck. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the September 25, 2023 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Marlowe and seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried.
Howie stated that we had a net income of about $790 for the past month.
The biggest check that was sent out was to Harvey’s Lock Shop for the key fob system.
Howie said that the aging report is looking pretty good with the largest balance being $150 outstanding.
A motion to approve the financial report was made by Lonnie and seconded by Michael. Motion carried.
Light at Kings and Blackbird - Michael
Michael said that he called BH Energy and they stated that the light is working. Michael informed them that the light is not working. He’ll report back at the next meeting to see if progress has been made.Key Fobs - Joe
Joe stated that he talked to Harvey’s Lock Shop. He engaged them to put the locks on the Pool and the Court gates. Jim from Harvey’s is giving us a .50$ break on the cost of the key fobs. Going from $6.89 to $6.39. They come in boxes of 100 so we have tentatively ordered two boxes. To have them start work they need a down payment of 50%. With the key fobs but not including tax the total is $8,258.43. A check of $4,130 was prepared. It was decided that each household would get one key fob for free. If they would like another fob, they will need to pay $10. It was suggested that we limit each household to two fobs so as not to have too many “floating around.” There is also training that will need to be arranged. Joe will give Harvey’s his number and Mike Riker’s number as contacts for when they’re ready to install the locks.Board Common Edits Notebook - Kort
Kort stated that there was nothing new to add at this time.Metal fascia on pool buildings and new walk-through door for shed - Marlowe and John
Marlowe stated that they haven’t completed this yet.
Administration Position
Kort went through the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities for the position. The position is estimated to require about 15 hours per month with special exceptions being made for more hours from time to time. The Board decided to pay $300 for the 15 hours per month and $20 per hour for any additional time. The position will report to the Secretary of the Board and will have no authority to negotiate contracts or make decisions on the Board’s behalf. This will strictly be an administrative position to assist the SCCE Board of Directors and residents.
It was decided that a committee be formed to post the position, receive applications, and conduct interviews. The committee will be made up of Joe Doran, Kort Herman, and Chuck Liberty.
LuAnne mentioned that the committee should reach out to Holly to see if she can get the information in the newsletter. John Santana stated that he would donate a laptop computer that he will have wiped clean. The cost to wipe and update the computer is approximately $95. This may be an ongoing fee if we add the Microsoft Office software but we will need to determine what all we’ll need as we get closer to hiring someone. Howie stated that we need to talk to Holly about software requirements and potential storage solutions for our digital files.Auto Debit/ACH - Howie
Howie met with BHFCU and filled out a small business application. He stated that we need 3 signatures (Joe, Howie, and Lonnie) to sign. Howie and Kelsey have a meeting scheduled on Tuesday at 10:00 with BHFCU to get details and to learn how to set up the program. He stated that he was told that none of the information has to go directly to BHFCU and that it all stays with SCCE regarding the resident’s personal information. It was asked if the information could be shredded once it was entered into our computer system. Howie stated that he would ask at the meeting.
Certificate of General Membership - Howie
Howie stated that per the bylaws and covenants, we need to have each property owner sign a Certificate of General Membership. This provides voting rights for each lot owned. It was discussed that this would be the responsibility of the administrative assistant that we’re planning to hire. Kort mentioned that this could be something we have residents do when they pick up their key fobs in the Spring. We will discuss this further at future meetings.
Bylaws and Covenants Committee - Howie
Howie stated that he’s been looking at specific subjects and topics and plans to get something out to the committee each month.
Architect Committee - Lonnie
Lonnie stated that they’ve had an inquiry about materials for a deck and a request to replace an existing deck. Otherwise, there have been no updates.
Water System Report - Mike R.
Mike was not present at the meeting.
Recreation Report - LuAnne
Tuesday, October 31 there will be pizza from 5:30 to 6:30 and they will be handing out candy and glow sticks. This is the last event of the year.
Administrative - Joe
Next meeting will be November 27, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
With no further business, Marlowe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary