Meeting Minutes: Nov 27, 2023

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – November 27, 2023

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • Board members present are Board members present are, Kort Herman, Joe Doran, John Santana, Marlowe McDowell, and Howie Aubertin.

  • Board Member(s) absent – Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Chuck Liberty

  • Staff Present – Kelsey Wyers, Mike Riker

  • Staff Absent – None

  • Resident(s) present – Holly Riker (website), LuAnne Johnson (Recreation Committee) and Ted


Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A motion to approve the agenda was made by Howie Aubertin and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the October 23, 2023 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Howie Aubertin and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.


  • Howie stated that we are up about $3,000 for the year and that we have $156,000 in assets.

  • He is going to evaluate the CD’s that we currently have to see if we can get a better rate.

  • A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Santana and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.


  1. Light at Kings and Blackbird - Michael (not present)
    No report was made due to Michael Montileone being absent.

  2. Harvey’s Lock Shop - Joe
    Joe stated that he is waiting to hear back from Harvey’s on when they want to do the lock installation. He is wanting to do it on a Friday when he can be available. They stated that they want to do it when the weather is nice. Mike Riker said that there does need to be a repair made to the back gate. He stated that if Harvey’s can make this repair that would be great since they could do it on-site. If they can’t make the repair, he has a fence contractor that could do it. They would need to remove the gate and put up a temporary gate while they fixed the gate in their shop. Mike will send photos to Joe so that Joe can reach out to Harvey’s to see if they can make the repair or not. Either way, the gate needs to be repaired before Harvey’s installs the locks.

  3. Fascia and New Doors - Marlowe and John

    Marlowe stated that they haven’t completed this yet.

  4. Administration Position - Joe and Kort

    Joe handed out an application that he created for the Board to review. Holly stated that he could email the Word document (application) to her and she can proof it and get it ready to post on the website and Facebook page. Mike Riker asked if we want to keep the position to someone within SCCE and the Board stated that at this time, they’d like to fill the position with an SCCE resident. If we are not able to fill the position with an SCCE resident the Board can consider other options including someone from outside SCCE.

  5. Auto Debit/ACH - Howie

    Howie emailed information to the Board about the ACH on October 29th, 2023. Then on November 20, 2023, he emailed the Board the ACH form and asked if Board members would be willing to sign up to do beta testing. There were still some questions asking how it would work if the amount was over $70. Kelsey said that she enters the amount and that an email goes out prior to the amount being withdrawn. LuAnne stated that she’s not a member of the credit union and Howie explained that you do not need to be a member to sign up for the ACH. Holly stated that she feels we need to make sure residents know how safe this process is. Kelsey said that it is as safe as residents sending their checks in to her every month to pay their bill.


  1. Covenants, Enforcement and Follow-up regarding Dogs at Large - Ted Johnson

    Ted stated that he has three issues to bring to the Board.

    Issue One: Covenants - Approved/Non-compliance Residents - 19 July 2023
    Ted brought a document pertaining to “address/occupant and project/issue”. The document stated that the last 14 months (August 2022 to October 2023) of SCCE minutes reflect that only two projects were identified and no other projects were identified for the last year. His concern is that projects are being done but there is no documentation from the architectural committee verifying that the projects were applied for and/or approved by the architect committee. We have no way of knowing if residents are complying with the covenants or doing projects without approval.

    Issue Two: Covenants Expiring and Enforcement

    Ted provided a document to discuss whether or not our covenants have expired. Based on the information in the document from Attorney Mike Wheeler, it would appear that our covenants are not expired. Ted then asked the Board if we feel our covenants are legal. It was unanimously agreed that the Board feels the covenants are legal. Ted then asked, based on the legality of the covenants, what enforcement of the covenants looks like. He stated that if we don’t enforce the covenants, it will be a slippery slope and we’ll end up living in a community that we don’t want to live in. The Board discussed that we have made some progress and continue to look forward to working on processes to inform and enforce the covenants. Ted stated that he knows it’s not an easy job but that things seem to stall and slip through the cracks and then nothing happens.

    Issue Three: Dogs at Large/Unrestrained Complaint

    Ted provided a copy of an email regarding Dogs at Large/Unrestrained Complaint that he sent to all the Board members on August 15, 2023. He stated that to date, he has not received a reply or confirmation that his email was received from anyone. He feels responsible to the individuals that brought the matters to his attention and is frustrated that he hasn’t heard from the Board regarding his email. Ted would like to know how these covenant violations have been or will be addressed by the Board. He also wants to express his disappointment with the Board for not getting back to him. Joe apologized for not getting back to him and Ted said he appreciated that. We discussed that as a Board we will work to address this issue going forward. It’s also the hope that having an administrative secretary on staff will help the Board manage these issues and not let them “slip through the cracks.” The Board also discussed that we need to get a process in place on how we’ll deal with violations (letter, fines, etc). Holly Riker stated that she does a lot of this type of work and that she would be willing to draft a process for dealing with violations for the Board to review.

  2. Bylaws and Covenants Committee - Howie

    Howie stated that he’s working on making progress.

  3. Architect Committee - Lonnie (not present)

    No report was given. However, it was discussed that we need to put a system in place on how architectural requests are received, reviewed, approved, and documented. This is something that the Board will work on to get a system in place moving forward.

  4. Water System Report - Mike R.

    Mike stated that he received a quote from Tank Maintenance Solutions for work that was recommended for the water tank. Mike feels that in the spring of 2024, we should do about $2,000 to $4,000 of work to complete the pressing maintenance. He also stated that he received a quote to paint the tank for around $25,000. We will discuss this at future meetings. He also mentioned that a new tank would probably cost around $500,000 so this is something we need to keep in mind for the future though he feels our tank is in great shape right now. Regarding the pool and shelter area, Mike stated that there need to be some repairs made to the fence. He has a contractor in line to fix that (as well as weld the back gate if need be). He also stated that we need new garbage cans and umbrellas which he’ll get pricing for. He stated that the garbage collection was stopped for the season by LuAnne. Pool and Spa found 2 leaks that were on the interior wall which were able to be fixed without having to tear up any cement. They tested it and as of now, things seem to be ok.

  5. Recreation Report - LuAnne

    The Halloween party turned out great and was a success.

  6. Administrative - Joe

    Next meeting will be on January 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, Marlowe McDowell made a motion to adjourn, seconded by John Santana. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Dec 25, 2023


Meeting Minutes: Oct 23, 2023