Meeting Minutes: Jan 22, 2024
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – January 22, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present are Board members present are, Kort Herman, Joe Doran, John Santana, Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Chuck Liberty, and Howie Aubertin.
Board Member(s) absent – Marlowe McDowell,
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyers, Mike Riker
Staff Absent – None
Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber, LuAnne Johnson (Recreation Committee), Ted Johnson,
Misty Danley (applicant for Administrative Assistant position).
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion to approve the agenda was made by John Santana and seconded by Howie Aubertin. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the November 27, 2023 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Howie Aubertin and seconded by Lonnie Steinmetz. Motion carried.
Howie stated that December 2023 was a light month concerning bills and payments.
In 2024 we will add approximately $3,600 for our administrative assistant position.
He was not able to get to the bank to renew the CDs but they did auto-renew at better rates than what we had.
Our accounts receivable is looking really good.
Pool Loan Balance as of December 31, 2023: $18,454.49
A motion to approve the financial report was made by Chuck Liberty and seconded by Lonnie Steinmetz. Motion carried.
Light at Kings and Blackbird - Michael Montileone
The light is on and working.Pool & Recreation Area Locks & Key Fobs - Joe Doran
Joe stated that he has the key fobs at home and is waiting for training from Harvey’s on setting them up and using them. We’d like the administrative assistant to be involved with this. Joe mentioned that we need plexiglas to be installed so that the gates can’t be opened from the outside without a key fob. Chuck Liberty volunteered to look into this and get back to the Board with a solution and a quote. Mike Riker stated that due to the temperature changes, the fence and gates are moving and the gates aren’t working properly. We’ll need Harvey’s to look at this and may also need to install new hinges as the gates are heavier since adding the locks. Mike will have someone look into this and also the fence ties to get us a quote. For now, Mike has put the locks back on to keep them closed. He also stated that we’ll need a code or way for maintenance to access the areas before and after hours when the fobs are turned off. Joe feels that this will be possible.Fascia and New Doors - John Santana
John stated that this hasn’t been done yet but will be able to be completed before the pool opens in May. Mike Riker mentioned that we could possibly do it during the Spring Clean-up Day on May 18th.
Administration Position - Joe Doran
We received an application from Misty Danley. She attended this meeting to meet the Board members and see how the meetings run. The Board will interview her after the meeting.
Auto Debit/ACH - Howie Aubertin
Howie stated that the beta testing has been working very well. We will need to work to get others to sign up.
Covenants, Enforcement and Follow-up regarding Dogs at Large - Ted Johnson
Joe asked Howie where he’s at with the covenants. Howie stated that hasn’t been able to work on it with the holidays and being out of town. Howie stated that he’d like to get together during the day with the committee to fine tune things. Michael Montileone asked why we need to meet again since it’s already been done. Howie stated that he thinks they need to fine tune it to get the correct verbiage. Ted Johnson stated that this has been going on since July 2023 and doesn’t think the Board should wait until the February meeting. He asked if the Board could send letters to those who are out of compliance. Lonnie asked if we could form an enforcement committee. LuAnne stated that we’re waiting to hire the administrative assistant to help with the compliance letters. Joe stated that sending a letter to all residents to remind them of the covenants might be a good place to start. Ted feels that the letter needs to give a deadline to be in compliance to avoid penalties. Kort stated that he could draft a letter to go out to all residents to inform them of the covenant violation issues and also provide a deadline to correct the situation. This was agreeable by Ted and the Board members. Kort will draft the letter and send it out to the Board for approval before being sent.
Neighbors trailer parked in violation of the covenants - Roxy Huber
Roxy stated that she submitted three separate requests via the website to the Board to state her need for help with a neighbor’s trailer. She said she never received anything back from anyone. The Board members stated that none of them had ever seen this request.
Roxy stated that she is looking for assistance from the Board to enforce Article II of our covenants regarding recreational vehicles. She states that they have new neighbors who have parked their trailer in an area that is in violation with the covenants. She and her husband addressed the need to move the camper on two occasions but the neighbors stated that they would not move it as they had nowhere to move it. Her concerns with the camper are:1. In violation of covenants
2. It’s set up to be used
3. Provides a perfect snow fence for driveway
4. Looks like a campground exists in their yard and is an eye sore as it’s the first thing she sees when she leaves her house
She is hoping that the Board will have them move it “behind” their house or to a proper storage unit. Kort mentioned that the website states that we can park them behind or adjacent to your home. Ted and Roxy stated that this is not correct as the covenants state behind only. We will need to update this on our website. Joe asked John Santana if he would be willing to go with him to their house to discuss the issue with them. John agreed.
Architect Committee - Lonnie Steinmetz
Lonnie states that only a couple requests have come through (deck, windows). He asked if it might be possible to put a live form on the website that keeps track of where the requests are. It was also mentioned that Ron Davis (Chair) and Dana Coats do not come to the meetings so it’s difficult to know what’s going on with the requests and approvals. Lonnie states that he hasn’t talked to either of them for a couple of months. John stated that it might be time to form a new architectural committee and stated that he would volunteer to be on it.
Water System Report - Mike Riker
Mike stated that he’s getting a proposal for a modem based alarm for our water system as Century Link stopped providing a static IP address. He discussed the quote again from Tank Maintenance Solutions and recommends that we approve the minor things such as the roof vent, wire mesh and weather stripped for a cost of $2,167.33. Joe asked for a motion to approve this expense. Lonnie made a motion to approve spending $2,167.33 for the repairs. Seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Mike will make arrangements to get this taken care of. He also discussed painting the tank again. Their updated quote is about $36,000. Mike said we don’t need to paint the tank immediately but that it will be an expense we’ll have to incur in the relatively near future. Howie stated that is a lot of money and that we really need to evaluate our current fees and probably look to raise them. Our loan will be paid off in 6 months which will free up about $2,000 a month. Painting the tank in 18-24 months might give us time to save up for that. Mike said there are federal loan programs in place that can help if needed. Mike stated that there are three curb stops that need to be replaced and also a pit meter (outside of the house at the curb) that needs to be installed. He stated that Jackson is planning on coming back for the summer to work at the pool. Dirk will be available too and would also like to mow again this summer. A motion to hire Dirk to do our mowing for this summer (2024) was made by Howie and seconded by Michael. Motion passed. Mike will inform Dirk.
Recreation Report - LuAnne
The Easter Egg Hunt will be on March 30, 2024 at 10:00 am. Set-up will be at 8:00. LuAnne also handed out the calendar of events for 2024.
Administrative - Joe
Next meeting will be on January 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
With no further business, John Santana made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary