Meeting Minutes: Feb 26, 2024

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – February 26, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • Board members present were Joe Doran, Kort Herman, John Santana, Lonnie Steinmetz, Michael Montileone, Chuck Liberty, Howie Aubertin, and Marlowe McDowell.

  • Board Member(s) absent – none

  • Staff Present – Kelsey Wyers and Misty Danley

  • Staff Absent – Mike Riker

  • Resident(s) present – Mike and Anita Pendo; Dale and Tonya Kokesh; Troy and Susan Eggum; Caroline Skromeda; Carolyn Ellington and Dawn Liberty.

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes

  • A motion to approve the agenda was made by John Santana and seconded by Howie Aubertin. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the January 22, 2024 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Chuck Liberty and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.


  • Howie reviewed the payments made in February 2024 with the members present.

  • Howie highlighted the difference between the Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022 - February 23, 2023, compared to July 1, 2023 - February 23, 2024 stating it was due to the increased capital improvements in 2022 and 2023.

  • He also stated the accounts receivable are as low as he recalls.

  • A motion to approve the financial report was made by John Santana and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.


  1. Pool Key Fobs
    Misty Danley will coordinate training with Harvey’s Lock Shop and create an instruction sheet on how to program the key fobs in March 2024.

  2. Plexiglass for fencing around the pool - Chuck Liberty
    Chuck measured and determined that the 2 gates by the pool and 1 gate by the tennis court will require 3 - 24” x 48” x ¼” sheets of plexiglass. He feels that the gates will require additional material to fill the gaps on the gates after the plexiglass is installed. Chuck feels the materials for this project will cost approximately $200 and recommends volunteers provide the labor.

  3. HOA Autopay option - Kelsey Wyres

    Kelsey reported that 31 residents have submitted the ACH forms for the HOA billing.


  1. None


Verification of Committee members was done before the February meeting. Updated Rosters were distributed following the meeting.

  1. Architect Committee - Lonnie Steinmetz

    Discussion again regarding creating/uploading a fillable form to the SCCE website. Lonnie will coordinate with Holly Riker about creating and adding this form to our website. This is an ongoing process. Lonnie will continue to update the Board on the progress.

  2. By-Laws and Covenants Committee - Howie Aubertin

    The By-Laws and Covenants Committee performed an inspection of our HOA in February and created a pictorial display of out-of-compliance issues currently within our community. Howie presented the information on behalf of the committee and divided the findings into two concerns, Unkept Property &/or Maintenance and Vehicles for consideration by the Board.

    Unkept Property &/or Maintenance out of compliance issues consisted of property with landscaping that needs to be done or completed, upkeep to residence that needs finished or done and storage of waste materials that need to be properly disposed of. Discussion regarding specific letters to inform the residence of the violation(s) was tabled until the March meeting.

    Our HOA currently has 37 property owners in violation of the covenants addressing the storage of vehicles, including campers, trailers, recreational vehicles, and mowers. A list of the findings from the Covenants Committee is available by request. Several questions were raised by the residents who attended the meeting. Answers were provided by members of the committee and Board members. It was determined that the Board will table further action and/or discussion until the March meeting.

  3. Water System Report - Mike Riker

    Mike was absent, no report.

  4. Recreation Report - LuAnne

    LuAnne was not present, no report.

  5. Administrative - Joe

    Next meeting will be on March 25, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, John Santana motioned to adjourn, seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: March 25, 2024


Meeting Minutes: Jan 22, 2024