Meeting Minutes: March 25, 2024
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – March 25, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present were Joe Doran, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Howard Aubertin, John Santana, Michael
Montileone, and Marlowe McDowell.
Board Member(s) absent – Chuck Liberty
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyres, Misty Danley and Mike Riker
Staff Absent – None
Resident(s) present – LuAnna Johnson, Recreation Committee Chair; Roxy Huber, Holly Riker, Terron and Karla Voller.
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion to approve the agenda was made by John Santana and seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the February 26, 2024 meeting. A motion to approve the minutes was made by John Santana and seconded by Michael Montileone. Motion carried.
Howie reviewed the payments made in March 2024 with the members present. The outstanding HOA water payments are acceptable. Kelsey Wyres reported that she has attempted to call the two residents with accounts over 120 days without a return or answered call.
Howie highlighted payments made for the HOA’s quarterly insurance premium and Casey Peterson Ltd. for services provided on behalf of the HOA.
Howie reported that he is continuing to research how and when other HOAs in our area increase their dues and has determined that the increase is approximately 3.2% annually. He will continue to research and have a recommendation to the Board soon.
Mike Riker added, during his Water System Report, that he feels a rate increase of the HOA dues is necessary because we are coming into the season with increased bills due to the pool.
A motion to approve the financial report was made by Mike Montileone and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.
Pool Key Fobs - Misty Danley
Misty reported that she met with Caleb at Harvey’s Lock Shop for training on how to program the key fobs. Misty stated that she plans to have all the key fobs programmed by the Spring Clean-Up day on May 18th. The first key fob will be free to each resident. Additional fobs can be purchased for $10 per fob. Holly Riker requested information regarding the key fobs and any additional information to be included in the April newsletter. Mike Riker suggested that distribution of the key fobs also be done during the Say Hello BBQ as well.
Payment for additional computer services
Holly Riker informed the Board that she personally pays the fees associated with the services and remits a bill quarterly to the Board for reimbursement.
Welcome Packets
John Santana reported that he has ordered additional mugs that go in the Welcome Packets. The order is scheduled to be delivered on March 28th.
Verification of Committee members was done before the February meeting. Updated Rosters were distributed following the meeting.
Water System Report - Mike Riker
Mike Riker has agreed to stay on as the Pool Administrator. Jackson and Dirk will return to help with the Spring pool cleanup. Mike will also be soliciting help via the SCCE Facebook page for this project. Mike reported that during the Fall inspection, small issues were detected and repaired on the pool. There was no indication from the inspection that additional issues would arise during this season but reminded the Board that issues happen from time to time. Mike reported that he will be contacting a fencing contractor for a bid for new hinges on the gates at the pool to support the weight of the locks to ensure proper self-closing for safety and replacing the ties and wires on the chain link fence. Howie Aubertin made a motion to give Mike Riker the authority to accept a bid on repairing the chain link fence and bring the bid to the Board for the hinges. John Santana seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Regarding the Water System, the internal HG Logics battery for the battery backup needs to be replaced at a cost of approximately $77. Mike reported that Tank Maintenance Solutions has amended the cost of the minor repairs to the water tank, approved at the January 26, 2024 meeting, because the Board did not approve the water tank repainting. Mike will inform the Board when he finds another company to perform the necessary repairs. Mike also reported that he has one - 1” meter to be installed, two meters that need repaired &/or operating properly, and three curb stop repairs, one of which will be a trade-out for supplies purchased by the homeowner. Mike would like to have these repairs done in April, weather permitting.
By-Laws and Covenants Committee - Howie Aubertin
Holly Riker would like to improve the information included under the By-Laws and Covenants Committee and the Architectural Committee on the website to provide transparency of the processes, give more detailed instructions, and a realistic expectation of the timeline for the residents. She also reported that she will digitize forms as needed and add them to the website which will then be submitted to a SCCE email for distribution to the committee members. Unfortunately, the uploading of blueprints &/or photos or replying with an authorization to the request will require an additional service and she doesn’t feel that the additional cost is necessary at this time. Mike Riker reminded the members that our current process of printing the Change Form from our HOA website, completing and submitting, along with any supporting plans or photos, by mail or dropping off in the Water Bill box is very similar to the process the resident will be required to complete for their Building Permit for the City of Rapid City. Misty Danley will work with Holly to improve this information on the website and include the improvements in the April newsletter to the members.
Howie Aubertin recapped the violation list and expressed his appreciation of the good feedback from the residents that attended the February meeting. Howie also reported that the committee and Board are seeking additional guidance as they continue to move forward with covenant enforcement.
Joe Doran gave an update on the meeting with the HOA attorney, Mike Wheeler. A final recommendation and plan was not been received from Mr. Wheeler prior to the Board meeting, but Mr. Wheeler did give his approval of the Covenant Violation letters. Joe also stated that should the Board receive “pushback” from the residents, an invitation will be extended to that resident(s) to be a part of the solution and requests for positive feedback, suggestions and ideas will be offered. This recommendation was met with a positive response by the Board. Howie continued the discussion regarding the specifics and personalization of the violation letters to be sent and it was decided that a 30-day timeline will be used in the letters for yard waste &/or debris removal and for violations regarding painting or upkeep on the resident’s dwelling will include a 30-day response for the submission of a plan to bring the resident into compliance once the weather allows.
Architect Committee - Lonnie Steinmetz
Lonnie Steinmetz reported that the committee has received and approved a landscaping request by the Puszynski’s and the removal and replacing of Santana’s front deck. There are two additional change requests currently pending and will be addressed by the committee soon.
Lonnie submitted his resignation as the Chair of the Architectural Committee due to time constraints with his family, work, and other Board commitments. Joe Doran accepted his resignation as Chair and will seek a replacement for that position on the committee.
Recreation Report - LuAnne Johnson
LuAnne Johnson reported that the committee met on Saturday, March 23rd, and filled 1,700 Easter eggs for the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30th. Signs will go up this week to announce the event. LuAnne also reminded the Board that they will host the Spring Clean Up Event on May 18th. Mike Riker agreed to provide a list of projects that need to be completed. June 9th is the Say Hello BBQ and Marlowe McDowell agreed to again be the BBQ master. LuAnne committed to contacting Kieffer Sanitation requesting trash bins be dropped off at the pool area on or around May 1st.
Additional Business - Joe Doran
Howie Aubertin brought up the recent fire in close proximity to the HOA caused by a downed power line and expressed concern for the upcoming fire season due to the dry conditions. He suggested providing resources and education for our residents. Howie volunteered Chuck Liberty to contact Curt from the Doty Volunteer Fire Department regarding a FireWise training during the Spring Clean Up. The Board agreed this is important and to proceed with the plans.
With no further business, John Santana made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Howie Aubertin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.Next meeting will be on April 22, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary