Meeting Minutes: April 22, 2024
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – March 25, 2024 (corrected)
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present were Joe Doran, Lonnie Steinmetz, Howard Aubertin, John Santana, Chuck Liberty, and Marlowe McDowell
Board Member(s) absent – Kort Herman and Michael Montileone
Staff Present – Misty Danley and Mike Riker
Staff Absent – Kelsey Wyres
Resident(s) present – Terron and Karla Voller, Rick and Nancy Spoolman, Heather Wood, Jennie Steinmetz, Troy Eggum, Paul Sterling, David Pearcy, Dana Coats, Heidi and TR Horton, Al Stockman, Dale Kokesh, Ted Johnson, Anita and Mike Pendo, Holly Riker, Lee and Brenda Sillasen, Kylee Zimbardo, Angie King, Curtis Bietz, Dawn Liberty, Nathan Rowan and Darrel Kjerstad.
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
Joe Doran, Board President, moved to change the Agenda to allow the ByLaws and Covenants Committee to present the report with the Old Business; Covenants report.
Updated Architectural Committee report will be given by Dana Coats instead of Ted Johnson.
A motion to approve the agenda with the above changes was made by Marlowe McDowell and seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the March 26, 2024 meeting: A motion to approve the minutes was made by John Santana and seconded by Marlowe McDowell. Motion carried.
The Financials for April 2024 were not available at the time of the monthly meeting.
Howie emailed the Board the following report on May 2, 2024:
I have reviewed the financial documents submitted via email from Kelsey on April 25, 2024. It was another quiet month with the normal operating expenses of paying for utilities, water testing, payroll, and for rental of the meeting room at the Doty Fire Department. There are only a few outstanding balances over two months due on the dues owed list. We will track this and take action if it continues. The other documents are in order as well.
No motion was called for this Report at the meeting.
ByLaws & Covenants Committee Report - Howie Aubertin
Recap of the covenant compliance concerns, per the 2023 HOA survey results, and the action taken thus far was reported by Howie. Sixty two violations were noted by the committee. Upkeep of property, yard maintenance and storage of recreational vehicles and trailers were the majority of the violations.
Regarding the recreational vehicles and trailers, under the current covenants, they are to be stored in an enclosed structure or behind the house.
Howie started to present “What You Need to Know About Covenant Updates” and “6 Steps to Change Covenants” that was highlighted in the April 16, 2024 SCCE Newsletter and is currently available on the SCCE website.At this time, Terron Voller, stood up and informed the Board that he is a member of a resident committee that circulated a Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants to Run with the Land - 2024. Terron distributed a copy of the amendment to the Board Members. The amendment reads:
The purpose of Amendment Four is to allow campers and boats to be stored next to a house or garage.
Each residential lot shall be used for residential purposes only and not for any business, trade, commercial or industrial purpose whatsoever except that individuals may conduct non-nuisance, unoffensive businesses from their homes. Campers, travel trailers, boats, motor homes, trailers may not be kept or stored on any lot except inside an enclosed garage, behind the house, or next to the house or garage. Residents that do not have access to these three options can submit another option to the board for their approval. Trucks (other than pickup trucks), construction equipment, machinery and materials may not be kept or stored on any lot except inside an enclosed garage. The portion of the above provision relating to storage of equipment and material shall not apply during the period of construction of a dwelling or of other improvements on said lot.
The resident committee spoke with 83 residents and received 81 signatures for the amendment. The requirement for an amendment change is 71 signatures. Terron presented the list of names to Board President, Joe Doran, for signature verification per the ByLaws.Joe requested that Howie continue his report. Howie stated that the Board will review the amendment to confirm that the wording is proper to allow for enforcement.
Terron stated that the reason the resident committee presented this amendment was to allow the Board to make the change and move forward.
Kylee Zimbardo stated that her camper is currently parked next to her garage. She expressed that campers will still be visible by neighbors and residents no matter where they are parked because of the positioning of homes and location of lots. Howie recognized her comment as a possible continued issue.
Al Stockman asked the members and residents present what will happen if the trailer hitch is two feet in front of the plane of the house or garage. Joe stated that this should be a concern that is addressed.After continued discussion, Board President, Joe Doran, stated that he will call Mike Wheeler regarding the amendment and have Mike rewrite the amendment to comply with the legalese.
Karla Voller asked what happens to the people that have already received their violation letter for their recreational vehicle or trailer. Holly Riker stated that she will send an email to notify the residents about the progress on the amendment once directed by the Board
Community Event Signage
New community event sign for the “Say Hello to Summer and 1st Responder Appreciation BBQ” for the two entrances to SCCE by the Recreation Committee. Joe requested that LuAnne or a member of the Recreation Committee, submit a bid for the signs to the Board for review.
Verification of Committee members was done before the February meeting. Updated Rosters were distributed following the meeting.
Architectural Committee - Dana coats
Dana reported that their committee held a meeting on Friday, April 5, 2024 at Joe’s house with Misty in attendance. It was decided that the email requests will be emailed to each committee member. Once decisions regarding the Change Form Request have been made, Misty will record the decision on the Architectural Committee Change Form spreadsheet and notify the resident on behalf of the committee, if not done by a member.
Dana submitted three forms to Misty to record. Misty will provide Dana a copy of the spreadsheet prior to each meeting for future reports
Water Report - Mike Riker
Mike reported that Spring water samples have been taken and will report results once received. SCCE is due for the tests required every three (3) years this Fall.
He is still working on a bid for the water tank repairs as well as another bid for repainting the water tank.
Well #2 will require a new battery back up due to an electricity surge during the last lightning storm.
Howie asked about the tap for Peterson’s. Mike stated that it’s on his list and will have it done soon.
Recreation Committee - LuAnne Johnson (via email prior to meeting)
Kieffer Sanitation has delivered the garbage receptacles to the pool area and the first garbage pick up will be Tuesday, May 2nd and will be picked up every other week. She will monitor the garbage and determine if a change to weekly pick ups will be required throughout the summer months.
The Easter Egg Hunt was fun and successful. Expense reports will be coming from Chenoa Jensen for candy and prizes, Roxy Huber for the dry cleaning of the bunny costume and herself for food and drinks
Additional Business - Joe Doran
Spring Clean Up, May 18th - Mike stated that he will start draining the pool on May 1st and determine if any repairs need to be done prior to refilling. The privacy slats will be installed around the pool area during the week of May 1st.Chuck Liberty reported that he will get the plexiglass project supplies purchased in order to have the work done during the 1st week of May as well.
Holly Riker informed all in attendance that Shelter Reservations are open on the website and reservations are starting to come in.
With no further business, John Santana made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Howie Aubertin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.Next meeting will be on May 20, 2024, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
The adjustment is due to the 4th Monday in May being Memorial Day.With no further business, Lonnie Steinmetz made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Howie Aubertin. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of Kort Herman, Secretary