Meeting Minutes: Nov 16

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – November 16, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by Vice President Carolyn Ellington. Board members present are Howie Aubertin, Scott Wagner, Dana Coats, Marlowe McDowell and LuAnne Johnson

Board Member absent – Mike Wheeler, Joe Hofmann

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres, Mike Riker

Approval of agenda and call for changes – Motion to approve by LuAnne, Second by Howie. All approved, motion carried.

Approval of Minutes from prior meeting - Minutes from the October 19, 2020 meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Dana and seconded by Marlowe. All approved, motion carried.

  1. Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
    * A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of November 13, 2020.
    * Payroll Summary from January through December 2020
    * Balance Sheet as November 13, 2020
    * Profit & Loss for November 2020
    * Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1 through November 2020
    * Transaction List by Vendor for November 2020
    - Kelsey recommended (at the Oct 19, 2020 meeting) sending a statement to each resident showing their payments for 2020. Kelsey received numerous responses which will require additional hours to correct the records. LuAnne made a motion to pay Kelsey for her additional time, seconded by Marlowe. All approved, motion carried.
    - Discussion on the Mr. & Mrs. George Stverak account which has $626.00 due. Carolyn will contact Mike Wheeler.

  2. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    - Overall, everything is OK.
    - Well #1, the thermostat went out. Mike contacted Morford Electric to service this equipment.
    - Water Meter replacement – Met with three residents to get an idea of work that will be required. Received a bid from Loyal Plumbing to Install Sensus Meter and Sensus Flexnet units, for a price of $270.00 per unit (138 residents). Will send out information to residents before the January 25, 2021 meeting.

  3. Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker – No Report

  4. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne – Spring events will be determined by COVID-19.

  5. Architect Committee Report – Dana, nothing new to report

  6. Covenants & By-Laws Review Committee – Dana will contact committee members, have them review the Covenants and By-Laws, and set up meeting date.

  7. Carolyn and Ruthie Craig delivered 16 “Welcome Packets” to our new residents. They still have about four more to deliver. Thanks again, Carolyn and Ruthie!

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on December 14, 2020 at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, Dana seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Dec 28, 2020


Meeting Minutes: Oct 19