Meeting Minutes: Oct 19

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting - October 19, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by President Mike Wheeler. Board members present are Carolyn Ellington, Howie Aubertin, Scott Wagner, Dana Coats, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell and LuAnne Johnson

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and special guest, Avery
Staff absent – Mike Riker

Approval of agenda and call for changes.

  • Added Mr. & Mrs. George & Kathy Stverak, 8500 Blackbird Court, water fees

With no other additions or changes, Scott made a motion to approve agenda changes and Dana seconded. Motion carried.

Minutes from the August 17, 2020, along with the September 21, 2020, meeting minutes were reviewed. A motion to approve the August and September minutes was made by Joe and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.

  1. Financial Reports: Were emailed on October 15th to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
    * A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of October 15, 2020
    * Payroll Summary from January through December 2020
    * Balance Sheet as October 15, 2020
    * Profit & Loss for October 1-15, 2020
    * Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1 through October 15, 2020
    * Transaction List by Vendor for October 2020
    * Mike Wheeler did contact Casey Peterson (Samantha) to set up an audit for our SCCE books.
    * Kelsey reported – They are still working on getting Mike Riker & Max Rikers payroll corrected (from September 2020).
    *Kelsey recommends sending a statement to each resident showing their payments for 2020. Some residents do not understand that we pay one month in advance, maybe this will help clear up the misunderstanding and our books. The Board approved this recommendation. Thanks Kelsey!
    *Discussion on the Mr. & Mrs. George Stverak account which has $556.00 due. Mike Wheeler will contact Jeff Stverak and will report back to the Board at the November 16, 2020 meeting.

  2. Water System Report – Mike Riker emailed report
    New Sensus Water Meter Installation – Mike is still working with Core & Main on the meter project as well as Loyal Plumbing. Loyal Plumbing would like to look at a few houses prior to supplying a firm bid. A few Board members have volunteered their homes for this process. Since the Board did not have a firm bid, to determine how the payments will be made, this will be tabled until the November 16, 2020 meeting.

  3. Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker – No Report
    LuAnne did contact Sander Sanitation to have the dumpster removed from the Commons Area.
    Dumpster is removed (10-22-20)

  4. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson
    Due to COVID-19, the 2020, the Halloween Party will be cancelled this year.

  5. Scott Wagner talked with Black Hills Federal Credit Union (Laura) regarding automatic withdraw for water bills. This process is available. Scott will be getting some forms shortly from BHFCU and will bring back to the Board.
    Scott also visited with Saul Schick, who stated our swimming pool payment has been late. Mike Wheeler will contact Saul and make sure this payment is on monthly automatic withdrawal.

  6. Covenants & By-Laws Review Committee – Mike Wheeler
    Discussion by the Board was held, and Dana Coats will contact the residents who have volunteered for this committee. The residents, who volunteered at the September 21, 2020 Annual HOA meeting, are Dana Coats, Joe Doran, Roxy Huber, Ted Johnson, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Scott Wagner. LuAnne will email Dana the contact information.

  7. LuAnne thanked Carolyn and Ruthie Craig for delivering “Welcome Packets” to our new residents. They still have a few to deliver. If you know of a resident moving out or moving in, please let Carolyn know so they can make sure the new residents are contacted. Thanks!

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on November 16, 2020 at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, LuAnne made a motion to adjourn, Joe seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Nov 16


Meeting Minutes: Sept 21, 2020