Meeting Minutes: Sept 21, 2020

SCCE Board of Directors Annual Meeting – September 21, 2020

PLEASE NOTE: This meeting was held outdoors at the SCCE Commons Area (Tennis Court) due to COVID-19. These minutes remain in DRAFT form until they are formally approved at the Annual Meeting in September 2021.

Board Members Present: Mike Wheeler, Carolyn Ellington, Howie Aubertin, Dana Coats, Joe Hofmann, Scott Wagner, and LuAnne Johnson

Board Members Absent: Marlowe McDowell

SCCE Employees Present: Mike Riker, Kelsey Wyres

The meeting was attended by 32 registered residents.

The meeting was called to order by President, Mike Wheeler at 6:00PM

Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes – A motion to approve the agenda without changes was made by Joe Hofmann and seconded by Scott Wagner. Motion carried.

Minutes of the Annual Meeting held September 23, 2019, were presented by Mike Wheeler. Carolyn Ellington moved to approve minutes and Scott Wagner seconded. Motion carried.

SCCE Employees, Mike Riker, and Kelsey Wyres along with the Board of Directors members were introduced by Mike Wheeler.

1. Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report: Howie Aubertin & Kelsey Wyres

Kelsey Wyres provided a copy of the Balance Sheet (June 30, 2020) and Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison (July 2019 through June 2020). Howie Aubertin, Treasurer, gave the financial reports and answered questions. The reports were reviewed and commented on.

2. Water System Report: Mike Riker

Mike Riker, Water Systems Manager, presented the 2020 Annual Meeting Water Report to residents. This report is also posted in the picnic shelter and online at our website. Our water system and pressure system are in good shape. Mike does not add fluoride since it naturally occurs in our water system. All the monthly water testing and legal requirements of both Pennington County and the State have been met. Thanks, Mike Riker, for another year of quality service!

3. 2020 Pool Season – Mike Riker

The swimming pool had a very busy year and was open from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Thanks to Max Riker for your work this summer!

4. Architect Committee – Nothing new to report.

5. Recreation Committee: LuAnne Johnson

It was a quiet year, no thanks to COVID-19. We didn’t host the Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Annual Summer Kick-off BBQ, or Halloween Party. The picnic shelter was not available as well. Hopefully, 2021 will be much better. Thanks again for all your support to our community.


a. The 2020 Halloween Party has been cancelled.

b. MIDCO – Kelli from MIDCO was available to answer any questions.

c. Remote Water Meter Reading – Mike Riker

The new Water Sensus Meter Installation was presented in detail, to include costs, by Mike Riker. With overwhelming support from the residents in attendance, this project will continue.

d. Covenants and By-Laws – Mike Wheeler discussed the need for a committee. There are several violations of

Covenants in our community. These issues need to be addressed. Mike Wheeler asked for volunteers. Residents, Ted Johnson, Roxy Huber, Scott Wagner, Joe Doran, Lonnie Steinmetz, and Dana Coats volunteered to establish this committee. Thanks!

e. Re-Election of Board Members – Dana Coats and LuAnne Johnson’s terms are up. They have both agreed to remain on the Board of Directors. With no new nominations from the floor, a motion by Scott Wagner and seconded by Betty Duncan to have Dana and LuAnne re-elected was made. Motion carried.

With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn by Scott Wagner and Seconded by Roxy Huber. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

LuAnne Johnson

SCCE Secretary

(Held after the SCCE Annual HOA Meeting, September 21, 2020)

The meeting was called to order by President Mike Wheeler. Board members present are Howie Aubertin, Joe Hofmann, Dana Coats, and LuAnne Johnson

Members Absent – Carolyn Ellington, Scott Wagner, Marlowe McDowell

Staff present – Mike Riker, Kelsey Wyres

Minutes from the August 17, 2020, along with the September 21, 2020, meeting will be reviewed at the October 19, 2020 meeting.

Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of September 18, 2020
* Payroll Summary from July 2020 through June 2021
* Balance Sheet as September 18, 2020
* Profit & Loss for September 2020
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison September 2019 through September 2020
* Transaction List by Vendor for September 2020

It was recommended and approved to have Casey Peterson, conduct a complete audit on our SCCE Books. Mike Wheeler will contact Casey Peterson.

Mike R. stated his payroll & Max Riker’s payroll were not correct this month. Mike will work with Kelsey to make sure the correct payments are made.

Water System Report – Mike Riker
New Sensus Water Meter Installation – The installation of new Sensus Water Meters was discussed at the SCCE Annual HOA meeting. After discussion, it was recommended to send an email notification to residents that we will be discussing this at the October 19, 2020 Board Meeting. Mike R. & LuAnne will work on this.

Mike R. will get Sensus Water Meter contract information and report at the October 19, 2020 meeting.

Mike is working with Loyal Plumbing & Action Mechanical.

Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker
Mike will be working on closing the swimming pool & facility for the winter.

Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson
Due to COVID-19, the 2020, the Halloween Party will be cancelled this year.
LuAnne will contact Sanders Sanitation to have the dumpster removed, until Spring 2021.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on October 19, 2020 at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Dana made a motion to adjourn, LuAnne seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Oct 19


Meeting Minutes: Aug 17