Meeting Minutes: Aug 17

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – August 17, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Mike Wheeler. Board members present are Howie Aubertin, Scott Wagner, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell and LuAnne Johnson

Members Absent – Dana Coats, Carolyn Ellington

Staff present – Mike Riker
Staff absent – Kody Bybee

Residents attending – Dennis & Jan Matkins, Darrell & Judy Wangen, Ron Davis (Architect Committee)

Approval of Agenda and call for changes – No changes. Motion to approve from Scott, seconded by LuAnne. Motion carried.

Minutes from the July 20, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes by Marlowe, seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kody Bybee
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of August 16, 2020
* Payroll Summary from January 2020 through December 2020
* Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2020
* Profit & Loss for August 2020
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison – August 31, 2019 through August 31, 2020
* Transaction List by Vendor for August 2020

Kody reported that the top four A/R residents owing money will write a check by end of month.
Casey Peterson sent a notice that SCCE should be receiving a refund from the IRS.
Discussed late payment, service charges and fees.
With no further discussion on the Financial Reports, LuAnne made a motion to approve with above discussion/questions and Scott seconded. Motion carried.

SCCE’s Bookkeeper, Kody Bybee, emailed his official resignation as the SCCE HOA Bookkeeper on July 20, 2020.Kody will remain in position until a replacement has been hired. Howie will keep records until new bookkeeper is hired.

Scott Wagner will contact bank and ask about Automatic Withdraw for water bills and report back at the next meeting on September 21. 2020.

Payment to Doty VFD is paid through August 2020. We pay $25.00 per month to rent space for monthly meetings.


  1. Covenant Matters – Residents, Dennis & Jan Matkins and Darrell & Judy Wangen, expressed disapproval of the new fence being installed at 8305 Kings Road. Ron Davis from the Architect Committee was not contacted for approval of new fence. Residents did contact Mike Wheeler. Also, expressed concern for the number of vehicles, 4-wheelers, and other items in the yard at 8335 Kings Road. Mike Riker knows the resident and will contact them.

  2. Ron Davis had been contacted regarding installation of Standing Seam Metal Roofing. The Standing Seam Metal Roofing is NOT currently allowed in the Covenants. Will need 75% approval from all residents to make this change in the Covenants. (Note: Ron Davis called & clarified this, will only need 51% of all residents for approval).

  3. As Mike W. has stated before, we are always looking for residents to volunteer to review/update the current Covenants and By-Laws. Please let us know if you are interested.


  1. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    Water system is working well!

  2. Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker
    The swimming pool drained below the filtration system indicator and burned out the pump. Mike replaced this. He spent 5.5 hours fixing this issue.
    One camera is not working. Mike talked with Jason at SonTech to get this resolved.
    One resident inquired why the pool was closed for one day. The reason was too much chlorine in the water for safe swimming. Will order new signs in 2021 stating, “Pool Closed For Maintenance” (instead of contamination).
    Pool closes on September 7, 2020 at 3:00PM the Annual bring your Pet to Swim will start at 3:00PM to 5:00PM.

  3. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson
    Discussed the Annual HOA meeting. Due to COVID-19 the SCCE Annual HOA meeting will be held at the Commons Area on Monday, September 21, 2020 starting at 7:00PM (This was changed to 6:00PM). No food or activities will be provided.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on September 21, 2020 starting after the Annual HOA Meeting.

With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, Howie seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Sept 21, 2020


Meeting Minutes: Jul 20