Meeting Minutes: Sept 27

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – September 27, 2021

Board meeting started at 7:15pm and was held after the Annual HOA meeting at the picnic shelter. Board members present are Dana Coats, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin and LuAnne Johnson

Board Members absent – John Santana, Scott Wagner

Staff present – Mike Riker
Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres

Approval of agenda (prepared by Carolyn Ellington) and call for changes. Motion made to approve the agenda by Marlowe, seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the August 23, 2021, meeting.

LuAnne would like to add on the Transaction List by Vendor the check amounts paid to the IRS (for back taxes)
-2nd Quarter 2019 – Check number 1315 for $362.99
-1st Quarter 2020 – Check number 1316 for $301.42

Approval of the minutes with the additional IRS information, was made by Joe and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of September 23, 2021
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2021
* Balance Sheet as September 30, 2021
* Profit & Loss for August 31 through September 30, 2021
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2020, through September 2021
* Transaction List by Vendor for September 2021

Howie presented the financials at the Annual HOA meeting held earlier tonight. With no further discussion on financials, a motion by Joe and Seconded by Howie to accept and approve the financials. Motion carried.


  1. Election of Officers and voting results for one vacancy (Carolyn Ellington resigned) – Carolyn counted the ballots that were voted on at the Annual HOA meeting held earlier tonight.
    Up for re-election are four (4) current Board members Howie Aubertin, Scott Wagner, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell, and residents were Dawn Liberty and Kort Herman. All four current Board members were re-elected. Kort was elected for the one vacancy. LuAnne will contact Dawn Liberty and Joe will contact Kort Herman. We thank them both for volunteering their time and commitment.

  2. Election of Officers and voting results continued:
    Discussion for other positions on the Board of Directors for the SCCE HOA. A motion by Joe and seconded by Howie for the following positions: All approved.
    President – Dana Coats
    Vice President – Marlowe McDowell
    Treasurer – Howie Aubertin
    Secretary – LuAnne Johnson
    Member-at-Large – Scott Wagner
    Member-at-Large – John Santana
    Member-at-Large – Joe Hofmann
    Member-at-Large – Kort Herman

    With these changes, Black Hills Federal Credit Union (BHFCU)’s authorization/information on our financial accounts will need to be updated. Carolyn will need to be removed and Dana and Marlowe will need to be added on the account. They will work together on a time to get this accomplished before our October 25, 2021, meeting. Carolyn will also get the “Presidents” keys to Dana.


  1. Removing dead trees on Kings Road by Doty VFD garage – Joe
    Joe reported that Doty VFD will use this tree removal as part of their wildland training. Resident Curt Voight has offered to help with clean up and take the wood from these three (3) trees. This will take place in this fall timeframe. Note: One tree is on county property, the other two are on SCCE property.

  2. By-Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    Discussed at the Annual HOA meeting earlier tonight – We will be stepping up our enforcement on residents that are out of compliance.

  3. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    Water System is doing great. Reviewed the 2021 Annual Water Report at the Annual HOA meeting earlier tonight.

  4. Swimming Pool Report – Mike Riker
    Had a great summer! Jackson Herman did a great job and will be helping with the pool closing. Pool and Spa will be winterizing the pool this next week. Also, will be billed for two pool pumps that came in.

  5. Dog waste disposal station – Mike and Joe said they would monitor this and empty as needed, since the dumpster in the parking lot will be removed. LuAnne will contact Kieffer to have the dumpster removed.

  6. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson
    The 2021 Halloween Pizza Party will be cancelled again this year.

  7. Administrative – LuAnne
    Website Design – is in progress. We met the October 1, 2021, deadline to convert to new platform. The updated website will be launched in the Spring of 2022.
    Microphone for SCCE Events – Howie made a motion and LuAnne seconded to reimburse Mark Peters for the purchase of a microphone and cables. The total amount is $104.31. All approved.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on Monday, October 25, 2021, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Joe made motion to adjourn, seconded by Howie. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson


Meeting Minutes: Oct 25


Meeting Minutes: Aug 23