Meeting Minutes: Nov 28, 2022

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – November 28, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm by Board President, Joe Doran.

  • Board members present are Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, John

  • Santana, Scott Wagner, Howie Aubertin

  • Board Member(s) absent – None

  • Staff Present – Mike Riker

  • Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres

  • Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee), Jennie Steinmetz (Covenants Committee)

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the October 24, 2022 meeting

  • A motion was made to approve the minutes by Scott and seconded by John. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the September 26, 2022, annual meeting.

  • After discussion, it was determined that this would need to be done at our next annual meeting in September 2023.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for November 27, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres.

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of November 27, 2022

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

* Balance Sheet as of November 27, 2022

* Profit & Loss for November 1-27, 2022

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through November 27, 2022

* Transaction List by Vendor for November 2022

* BHFCU pool loan balance as of October 31, 2022, is $45,438.23

Aging AR Balance:

  • There was a discussion on Williams as the balance due is high ($660).

  • Marlow stated that he would attempt to contact someone from the family to find out why the balance hasn’t been paid. He will check and report back to the board. Mike stated that Mr. Stverak passed away and believes that there is no one living in the house. Joe thought thinks he has seen people at the home and kids going to the bus stop from that house. Mike will try to find out if someone is living there currently. It was asked about past due protocol. Howie stated from memory that the protocol is as follows:

    • Contact the past due account via email or phone call

    • Send a letter to the address of the past due account if no response from call,

    • Send a second certified letter stating a time frame in which the water will be shut off if no response or payment is made

  • It was recommended that the president (Joe) reach out to the top four residents on the aging report to attempt to collect the balance: Williams, Kjerstad, Zambon, Stverak.

  • Scott asked about the ability for residents to be able to pay their bill electronically.

  • We discussed that paypal is an option but that it does have a fee that would need to be passed on to the residents.

    • Jennie stated that using Quickbooks to send statements which could then be paid electronically may be an option but she wasn’t sure if our software was up to date to do this. She will look into it and report back.

    • We also discussed the possibility of an ACH draft from a bank account but Jennie stated that she wasn’t sure our bank had the ability to do that.

    • Joe stated that he brought paperwork from BHFCU to add signers for the checking account. He needs photos of driver’s licenses and signatures.

  • It was decided that the President (Joe Doran), Vice President (Lonnie Steinmetz) and Treasurer (Howie Aubertin) will be the only signers on the account. It was also decided that we will require only one signature to write checks. Once signatures and photos of driver’s licenses are obtained, Joe will bring the information back to BHFCU.

  • After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for October 2022 was made by John and seconded by Marlow. Motion carried.


1. Discuss HOA insurance with State Farm and if we have an Errors and Omissions Policy to protect board members and residents

  • Kelsey sent an email that states “E&O is not included in the policy and is not offered by State Farm business lines.

  • However, the policy does have directors and officers liability coverage for 2 million which is E&O coverage for the board of directors.”

2. Pickleball courts

  • This was mentioned at our last meeting in which we discussed making part of the basketball court into pickleball courts.

  • Kort volunteered to find out more information and see what the logistics and costs might be to do this.





  • Roxy emailed a handout earlier today and also brought copies regarding the top four concerns that were brought up via the survey. She is recommending that the board members look through the information in the handout and take time to consider the possible changes we wish to make. Top four areas are:

1. Building Materials

2. Parking

3. Solar/wind, sheds and fences and roofs/siding

4. Compliance

  • Once the board is able to look this over she is recommending that we speak to an attorney to help determine the language that needs to be used.

  • Jennie stated that she talked to Kurt Solay, an attorney in Rapid City to look over our covenants.

  • He will do a free initial meeting and then charge $280/hour after that. She mentioned that Kurt stated there’s a new law regarding expiration dates within covenants and that our covenants and bylaws may be void. This is something he can look into for us.

  • Jennie also talked to the Pennington County Register of Deeds regarding needing electronic signatures from the residents to change the bylaws. The Register of Deeds office said we don’t need a signed paper but do need lot numbers next to signatures when they’re obtained from the residents. She also mentioned that they have an electronic portal that may help in the submission of changes when that time comes.

  • We discussed keeping an attorney on retainer for future legal counsel. Mike Riker asked what the relationship was with the former attorney, Mike Wheeler. Howie mentioned that he doesn’t necessarily do this kind of legal work and it might be better to use someone that does, such as Kurt Solay.


  • Nothing new regarding the committee to report.

3. Water System Report - Mike Riker

  • Mike stated that well #2 had an issue but that we’re able to use well #1 until we hear back what

  • needs to be done with well #2 to fix it. While using well #1 we can install the new water meter

  • for well #2 at this time.

4. Administrative-Mike Riker

  • Mike said the dog poop container was very full. Asked if any of us who walk dogs happen to see it full to let him know.

  • Howie stated that if he could get a key he’d help empty it.

5. Recreation Committee – LuAnne (not present)

  • Lonnie stated that LuAnne informed him that the Halloween event was a success and our next event will be the Easter Egg Hunt.

6. Welcome Committee - John

  • John said that he wasn’t notified of new residents that recently moved in.

  • Wondered if there was a better way to be notified so the committee can reach out to them.

  • Mike Riker said he’ll have Holly reach out to help keep the committee informed.

Next meeting will be Monday, January 23, 2023, at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.

With no further business, Scott made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Montileone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kort Herman, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Dec 26, 2022


Meeting Minutes: Oct 24, 2022