Meeting Minutes: Oct 24, 2022
SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – October 24, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm by Board President, Joe Doran.
Board members present are Michael Montileone, Lonnie Steinmetz, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell
Board Member(s) absent – Howie Aubertin, John Santana, Scott Wagner
Staff Present – Kelsey Wyres
Staff absent – Mike Riker
Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee), LuAnne Johnson (Recreation
Approval of agenda and call for changes –
A motion to approve the October 24, 2022, agenda was made by Michael and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.
Approval of change of Secretary from Michael Montileone to Kort Herman. A motion to approve the change of secretary was made by Michael and seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the August 22, 2022 meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Marlowe and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.
Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the September 26, 2022 meeting.
A motion was made to approve the minutes by Lonnie and seconded by Michael. Motion carried.
Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials
Financials for October 21, 2022
Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres.
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of October 21, 2022
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2022
* Balance Sheet as of October 21, 2022
* Profit & Loss for October 1–21, 2022
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through October 21, 2022
* Transaction List by Vendor for October 2022
* BHFCU pool loan balance as of September 30, 2022, is $47,248.33
Howie was not able to attend the meeting but sent an email report which was read by Joe during the meeting. Here are the contents of his email:
Bank Statement
No comments.
2. Aging AR Balance:
There should be discussion on Williams as the balance due is high and there being a lack of contact with them.
Generally, at this point there would be a home visit by a Board member.
There have not been problems with them in the past. Stverak has been a long story in the past. I am concerned the balance is building up again.
Our last understanding was the house was to be going on the market but that was a few months ago. I have not seen signs of that.
Dana Coats may have contact number for the owners brother who has helped resolve past delinquencies.
I expect the overdue meters will be paid.
3. October Balance Sheet:
No significant changes here. The balance is about what it was last month.
4. Profit and Loss Comparison:
This tracks the period from the start of our fiscal year to the current date and compares years.
So far this year, Water system repair expenses and pool heat explain the higher operating costs so far this year.
5. Profit and Loss:
It is good to see that $1,300 +/- of water overage fees was collected.
We have not seen figures like this at any time in the past so this will be good going forward.
We about broke even for income to expenses (-$173).
Pool expenses, payments for the meter installation and the water tank inspection and cleaning were some of the larger expenses this month.
6. Payroll Summary:
No Comments.
7. Transaction by Vendor:
No comments.
In summary, the financial report is that all looks in order but select aging AR balances need to be addressed. Next month, I can explain how we handle non-responsive households when our friendly reminders are not effective. End of email comments from Howie.
8. Additional Notes:
Joe said that he will go to Williams house this weekend to discuss their bill.
Kelsey stated that Stveraks brother wants to pay his bill via paypal, which has been done in the past. We discussed that any charges incurred for using paypal would need to be paid by the homeowner. LuAnne mentioned that this discussion was brought up in the past and referenced the July 25, 2022 minutes. Included is the excerpt from the July 25, 2022 minutes referencing this topic:
During discussion of the new “PayPal” payment options, a few questions were brought up…
What is the (amount) service charge that PayPal charges per transaction?
What amount (%) was deducted from 8500 Blackbird Court payment to SCCE?
The Board decided that this service charge (convenience fee) will be assessed to the “payee.”
Dana will visit with Kelsey and get this information and report at the August 22, 2022, meeting.
End of excerpt from July 25, 2022 minutes.
After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for September 2022 was made by Marlowe and seconded by Lonnie. Motion carried.
Discuss HOA insurance with State Farm and if we have an Errors and Omissions Policy to protect board members and residents
Kelsey stated that she will look at the policy to see if it already contains the Errors and Omissions Policy that we need in an effort to not have to go to the agency. If the policy does not contain the Errors and Omissions Policy then, Joe will need the minutes from the September 26, 2022 meeting showing him as Board President to go to the agency to look into this further. We will wait to hear back from Kelsey at the next meeting.
Discuss committees
Joe asked Lonnie to be the committee liaison for the Board and Lonnie agreed. Lonnie will update the Board during Board meetings on the various committees.
Committees as of October 24, 2022:
Bylaws/Covenants Committee
Architect Committee-LuAnne said she gave or will give a spreadsheet to Joe for approvals and that we’re still waiting on some of the approvals.
Recreation Committee
Welcome Committee
HOA Fee Committee
It was not clear during the meeting who the committee chairs were for the various committees.
Signatures on the checking account
Marlowe stated that he is still a signer on the checking account but feels that he should come off since he’s no longer Vice President. It was also discussed that Dana would need to be removed as well (we also need to get the “President’s” keys to Joe from Dana-mentioned by LuAnne after the meeting). There was discussion on how the signatures are changed. Marlowe thinks he did something electronically to be added but can’t remember for sure (after the meeting he stated that Howie brought the paper for him to sign from the bank and that he did not sign by email. Joe thinks there might be a simple way to do it. Minutes from the September 26, 2022 meeting will be needed to verify newly elected officers.
Fill out forms for Board Member Information
A sheet was passed around to the Board members and committee members present to update their information. The sheet will be brought to the next meeting as well to attempt to update the information for those that were not present.
Other old Business
By-laws & Covenants Committee – Roxy Huber
Roxy stated that they received 31 responses from the survey they handed out at the annual meeting.
From the survey she feels that the parking and building materials language needs to be addressed/updated concerning what can be parked and where it can be parked and what materials can be used for building in SCCE.
Another area of concern was the enforcement of covenants. Do we continue with self enforcement, set up a fine structure, hire a firm to enforce?
Joe said he thinks calling people out on violations via public notice might be an option if we’re not going to fine people.
Mike asked if we could get a copy of Canyon Springs covenants to review. Roxy stated that she thinks she can get a copy for the board.
The committee would like to know what the board would like to change before they write up the proposed language. Joe stated that he would like to see a rough draft so the board can discuss it further. Roxy said she could provide that.
Roxy also stated that it would be nice to get representation from each street in SCCE so it’s not so heavily weighted on Kings Road. She also mentioned having listening sessions which would be open to the SCCE community to get input on the changes that are being proposed to the bylaws and covenants.
She said that changing the covenants will be a big job.
LuAnne mentioned that she knows Dana would like to come off of the committee and also asked Roxy if she would be willing to be the Bylaws and Covenants Committee Chairperson. Roxy stated that she would.
2. Architect Committee – Lonnie
Nothing new regarding the committee to report.
Lonnie asked that if when trying to get approval for changes to the bylaws and covenants, we could use an electronic signature from residents or figure out some way that might be easier than going door to door. It was also mentioned that maybe sending out ballots via mail might be an option.
Lonnie stated that he would research if we could somehow use an electronic signature for residents to vote in preparation for upcoming proposed changes. It was then asked if we would need to change the bylaws to convey the way voting can occur (in person, electronically, mail, etc).
Joe asked if SCCE had a lawyer. LuAnne stated that Mike Wheeler used to be the lawyer.
3. Water System Report – Mike
Mike was not present to give report
4. Administrative
HOA Fee Committee Update
Mike was not present to give report
5. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne
Doty Fire Department will be handing out candy at 5:30 on October 31.
There will be pizza at the shelter from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. LuAnne will submit expense receipts for the Halloween party.
The last dumpster pickup was made by Kieffer Sanitation. The service has been shut down for the season. LuAnne will reactivate the service in the spring for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Howie will be getting a key to help out with the dog waste collection.
Joe asked who put the signs up for events and LuAnne stated that her husband Ted puts them up. Joe wondered if we should put signs up informing residents of the monthly Board meetings.
LuAnne stated that they have had signs made by Signs Now on Deadwood Ave if we want to look at having signs made for that.
The next meeting will be Monday, November 28, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Doty Fire Department.
With no further business, Marlowe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mike. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman, Secretary