Meeting Minutes: Sept 26, 2022
PLEASE NOTE: the following South Canyon Country Estates Homeowners Association Annual Meeting Minutes were taken September 26, 2022 and remain in DRAFT form until they can be formally approved at the Annual Meeting in September 2023.
The meeting was called to order by President, Dana Coats, at 7:00PM
Board Members Present – Dana Coats, Howie Aubertin, Joe Hofmann, Scott Wagner, Marlowe McDowell, John Santana, Kort Hermann and LuAnne Johnson
Employees Present– Mike Riker, Kelsey Wyres
Residents Present – The meeting was attended by 46 registered residents.
Approval of Agenda/Call for Changes
A motion to approve the agenda with changes to move Mike Riker’s Water Report and Website Report before the Architect Report was made by Joe Hofmann and seconded by John Santana.
Motion carried.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting held September 27, 2021, were presented by President Dana Coats.
Joe Hofmann made a motion to approve minutes and John Santana seconded.
Motion carried.
President Dana Coats started the meeting by telling residents:
Currently, there is no plan to raise the SCCE HOA Fees
The speed limit in the development is 25 MPH. Residents need to pay attention and please slow down!
Howie Aubertin (Treasurer) & Kelsey Wyres (Bookkeeper)
Kelsey Wyres provided a copy of the Balance Sheet as of September 23, 2022, and Profit & Loss Previous Year
Comparison (September 1-23, 2022). Howie Aubertin, Treasurer, gave the financial reports and answered questions.
The decrease of $24,929 was primarily due to SCCE portion of water meter installation. At this time, about 12 households need to be finished and pay back.
Pool Loan (Seven-year term), two years to pay back at $24,815 per year.
With no further discussion or questions, Scott Wagner made a motion to approve the financials, seconded by John Santana. Motion carried.
Mike Riker Water Systems Manager, presented the 2022 Annual Meeting Water Report to residents. This full report is also posted in the picnic shelter and online at our website.
The costs of maintaining our water system are increasing. We will have to increase our water fees to cover these expenses in the near future.
Our water system and pressure system are in good shape.
Well status: Both wells were mostly operating normal this year. The wells are still controlled by our SCADA system which has been in place since 2015. The system allows us to provide constant monitoring of the system which will in turn allow us to provide safe reliable drinking water and be able to respond to any issues within a quick time frame.
Distribution System: One leak in the system was found near Well #2 this year. The leak was repaired by a utility contractor.
Storage Tank: Cleaning of the interior of the tank was completed on September 24, 2022 and all interior tank surfaces were found to be in good shape and only a minimal amount of sediment was removed. The vent pipe on top of the tank required some epoxy repair to fix a few rust holes. This pipe will need to be replaced soon. Also, the exterior of the tank should be painted soon to keep the tank from rusting as the original coating is wearing thin. The Tank will be scheduled again for cleaning in 2027.
Laboratory Testing: All laboratory testing this year has indicated safe water samples and all detectable elements are well within DANR regulations. We again have received a yearly award from the State for a system that has had no violations and is providing safe and reliable drinking water.
Thanks, Mike Riker, for your time, dedication, and expertise in maintaining our SCCE Water System. You are appreciated!
New water projects: The Board and water committee are continually looking at the budget and weighing and prioritizing updates to our system. We are still considering potential projects and our goal is to upgrade when we can while being mindful of costs.
Additional information: (Taken from the 2022 Annual Meeting Water Report) SCCE has two wells supplying our water system through our water storage reservoir. Our first primary well was drilled in 1980 and replaced a smaller temporary well. Well #1 is called our primary well and is 1080’ deep and drilled into the Deadwood Aquifer formation. This well has been a good producer since drilled. In May 1997 an engineering report was completed on behalf of the development. This report ultimately determined additional water production capacity was needed for the full development of the community. So, in May 1999, Well #2 was drilled in the community. This well was completed into the Deadwood formation also and was drilled to a depth of 1240’. Both wells combined are permitted for 0.57 Cubic feet per second from the aquifer and provide the required water needed for the development.
Mike Riker reported that The swimming pool had a very busy year and was open from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
All the water samples came back great, and we were able to stay open all year.
Chemicals were purchased ahead of time and was a savings of 20% off at Pool & Spa.
Pool & Spa will be closing out the pool this year.
A leak has been detected.
Maintenance, we will need to paint the pool in 2023. The new pool opened in May of 2018.
Pool hours are from 10:00AM – 9:00PM
Questions from residents:
Carolyn Skromeda asked if we can get a clock in the pool area and towel hooks in the bathrooms. Mike answered Yes.
Carolyn Skromeda also asked, will the main gate to the pool be fixed next year? Mike answered Yes.
Thank you to Jackson Herman, Pool Maintenance, and Mike Riker, Pool Manager for a great year. Everyone enjoyed the summer season!
Holly Riker, website administrator offered the following reminders:
Be sure and checkout the new website,
Contact us forms for new/updated projects, messages to Board or Committee members, etc. are located on the new website for any questions and/or comments.
Shelter Rental reservations can be made online as well.
Reminder that the shelter is NOT reserved until payment is received. And the pool is not exclusively reserved during the rental time. The pool is always open to SCCE residents.
SCCE Residents will now be receiving SCCE Information from the website email address,
Dana Coats asked residents to please be sure and get the Architect Committee’s approval before starting any new/update projects on your residence.
A “Covenant Change Preference” survey was handed out and was to be completed and turned in after the meeting.
Roxy Huber reported that a committee was formed after the September 20, 2020, Annual HOA meeting.
Committee members include Roxy Huber, Joe Doran, Lonnie Steinmetz, Ted Johnson, and Scott Wagner
Ted Johnson gave the committee report on behalf of Roxy Huber, Chairperson.
A copy of the SCCE Covenant Committee Report 9/26/2022 was available at the meeting and was to be completed and turned in after tonight’s meeting.
The SCCE online survey (June 2022) results clearly stated that there is a desire to have more enforcement of our existing covenants AND some changes.
As a result of that survey, we will be asking for feedback both at tonight’s Annual Meeting and during future input opportunities we will be conducting.
Enforcement – Unlike many other HOA covenant communities, SCCE does not pay a property management firm to monitor and enforce the covenants, this approach keeps your HOA fees low.
Instead, each property owner is responsible for complying with the existing covenants accepted by each owner when the home was purchased.
We need to be responsible neighbors and take care of our property. We are heading down a slippery slope and we can’t let non-compliant Covenants become our HOA problems.
Be part of the solution, not the problem.
LuAnne Johnson provided the following report:
Welcome to our new residents, Quentin & Misty and Logan & Carly
Thanks to the Recreation Committee Team for your help in preparing and setting up tonight’s meeting.
Easter Egg Hunt was a fun filled event and a great success. Thanks to everyone for your help and participation.
Spring Clean-up – Thanks to our residents who took the time to help get our commons area, playground, and pool area in tip top shape for the 2022 summer season. You are appreciated!
The 2022 Say Hello to Summer and First Responders Appreciation BBQ was held on Saturday, June 11, 2022. Thanks to our volunteers who made this event happen.
The picnic shelter was rented 31 times this year. Thanks to Ruthie Delamarian, Holly Riker, and Kelsey Wyres for your help with the “shelter reservation transition” to our website! You all did a great job, thanks!
The annual “Bark & Splash” for our four-legged friends was a great success. So much fun and a great way to end the summer swimming season.
The Annual Halloween Pizza Party will be held on Monday, October 31st, from 5:30PM – 6:30PM at the picnic shelter.
SCCE Calendar of Events for 2022-2023 was available at the check-in table.
Discussion on setting up a Pickle Ball Court by using half of the basketball court. This is an ongoing project, and any input from residents is appreciated.
LuAnne Johnson noted that SCCE Board of Directors meetings are held on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month starting at 6:30PM at Doty Volunteer Fire Department.
Residents are more than welcome to attend.
The following four Board Members term ends or are resigning:
President – Dana Coats
Secretary – LuAnne Johnson
Member at Large – Joe Hofmann
Member at Large – Scott Wagner
Nominations from the floor:
Nomination for Lonnie Steinmetz
Nomination for Michael Montileone
Nomination for Joe Doran
Nomination for Scott Wagner to remain on the Board of Directors
With no further nominations from the floor, a motion to nominate Lonnie, Michael, Joe and re-elect Scott was made
A vote was held, and the above motion passed.
Note: Since there were only four residents nominated, a written ballot was not conducted.
Welcome to the SCCE Board of Directors!
Thank you to the residents who took the time to attend our Annual HOA meeting. We appreciate your input and support!
With no further business, a motion was made to adjourn by Howie Aubertin and seconded by Scott Wagner. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
LuAnne Johnson, SCCE Secretary
SCCE New Board of Directors Meeting (held after the Annual Meeting)
The meeting was called to order by Board Vice President, Marlowe McDowell.
Board members present are Kort Herman, John Santana, Howie Aubertin, Joe Doran (newly elected), Lonnie Steinmetz (newly elected), Michael Montileone (newly elected).
Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner, LuAnne Johnson (term ended), Joe Hofmann (term ended), Dana Coats (term ended)
Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres, Mike Riker
Resident(s) present – None
Formal notes were not taken during this meeting.
A motion to appoint Joe Doran as Board President was made and seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to appoint Lonnie Steinmetz as Board Vice President was made and seconded. Motion carried.
A motion to appoint Michael Montileone as Board Secreatary was made and seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting will be October 24, 2022.
With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kort Herman (acting Secretary)