Meeting Minutes: Aug 22, 2022

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – August 22, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Board President, Dana Coats. 

  • Board members present are Joe Hofmann, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell, LuAnne Johnson

  • Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner, Howie Aubertin, John Santana

  • Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres, Mike Riker

  • Resident(s) present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee)


Approval of agenda and call for changes –

  • A motion to approve the August 22, 2022, agenda was made by Joe and seconded by Kort.  Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the July 25, 2022, meeting.  Motion was made to approve the minutes

  • By Marlowe seconded by Joe.  Motion carried.


Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for August 20, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres.

            *  A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of August 20, 2022

            *  Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

            *  Balance Sheet as of August 30, 2022

            *  Profit & Loss for August 1–20, 2022

            *  Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through August 20, 2022?

            *  Transaction List by Vendor for August 2022

            *  BHFCU pool loan balance is $51,028.51         

NOTE: A itemized bill was received from Chit Chat, PR., in July 2022.  No further clarification is needed.

After review by the Board, a motion to approve financials for August 2022 was made by Kort and seconded by Marlowe.  Motion carried.


  1. By-Laws and Covenants Committee– Roxy Huber

  • Roxy presented the Board with the SCCE Covenant Committee Survey Follow up (which is a draft for the Newsletter/website). 

  • Roxy gave a detailed report of the 57 surveys that were submitted. 

  • The Board approved sending this information to Holly Riker (Website) and include in the next newsletter/update that will be emailed to all the

  • SCCE residents. 

  • Roxy will give a presentation at the Annual HOA meeting on September 26, 2022.

  2. Architect Committee – Dana

  • Nothing new to report

3. Water System Report –

  • Mike R. – sent report (in blue below) via email to Board members

  • Water system is doing well keeping up with demand.

  • Have had a few requests from Holdaway and Dahlman this last weekend and dealt with their curb stop issues.

  • Have had a few power blips at well #2 which required re-setting.

  • Water tank cleaning is still scheduled this year, waiting to hear from MidCo Diving.

  • Water Meters status, we still have a few outstanding meters to install, as well as the two meters in the well houses. Hope to be near complete this week with only Dalo who were not installing and Peters who thinks he wants to pay for a meter pit install at the street.

  • Sent billing for overages for summer so far. Next billing will only be July 31 to August 31, would like to get that on bills prior to Kelsey sending them out. Can have them to her by morning of September 1st.

  • Pool closing is scheduled for September 5th at 1 pm, pet swim to follow until 3 pm. I have been doing opening and closing since 8/18/22 can probably continue until closing.

  • Discussion by the Board for broken pool gate closure – made recommendation to lock the broken gate and use the back gate for entrance.  Create a sign that pool is still open, just use other entrance.  LuAnne will contact Mike.

  • Gate lock; I have tried to find the pool gate closure and am waiting for a response. I have not found it available to order online.

  • I have signed a pool closure agreement with Pool & Spa for 9/15/22.

  • They will also be investigating our leak after that date. I have asked for a pool painting proposal from them and one from Joe’s sand Blasting.

  • All bacteria tests have indicated safe for swimming. Should have enough chemicals from original purchase, may have to get some shock. Pool & Spa replaced a pool pump on one of the filters. This was an older one and we had a spare. Cost was $204.39. Forwarded bill to Kelsey.

4. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne

  • Update – working on the SCCE Annual HOA meeting – Board recommends hosting this event at the picnic shelter.  Potluck to start at 6:00 PM and Annual Meeting to start at 7:00 PM

  • Picnic Area Reservations – great turnout this year!  Working on the payment system via our new website.


5. Administrative –

  • HOA Fee Committee – Mike R. Update; Still pursuing this, hope to have completed by annual meeting.

  • Board Openings – Dana, Scott, Joe and LuAnne will be resigning from the Board of Directors.

  • Dana will confirm with Scott Wagner.

  • Agenda for Annual Meeting – LuAnne will email Dana the agenda from September 27, 2021.

The next meeting will be September 26, 2022 (Annual HOA and Monthly meeting held after)

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kort.  Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,


LuAnne Johnson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Sept 26, 2022


Meeting Minutes: Jul 25, 2022