Meeting Minutes: Jul 25, 2022

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – July 25, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Board President, Dana Coats.

  • Board members present are Joe Hofmann, John Santana, Howie Aubertin and LuAnne Johnson

  • Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner, Kort Herman, Marlowe McDowell

  • Staff present – Mike Riker

  • Staff absent – Kelsey Wyres

  • Resident(s) present – Michael Montileone

Approval of agenda and call for changes –

  • A motion to approve the July 25, 2022, agenda was made by LuAnne and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the June 27, 2022, meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes

  • by Joe and seconded by John. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for July 25, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres. Howie reported on the financials-

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of July 21, 2022

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

* Balance Sheet as of July 21, 2022

* Profit & Loss for July 1-21, 2022

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2022, through June 2023

* Transaction List by Vendor for July 2022

* BHFCU pool loan balance is $52,905.56

Motion to approve financials for July 2022 was made by LuAnne and seconded by John. Motion carried.


  1. Delinquent Water Bills –

    • Overdue charges have been paid by resident at 8500 Blackbird Court.

    • Payment was made by a recently set up “PayPal” account for the SCCE HOA.

    • Dana will also visit with Kelsey to remove his email address from the resident at 8500 Blackbird Court.

  • During discussion of the new “PayPal” payment options, a few questions were brought up…

• What is the (amount) service charge that PayPal charges per transaction?

• What amount (%) was deducted from 8500 Blackbird Court payment to SCCE?

• The Board decided that this service charge (convenience fee) will be assessed to the “payee”.

• Dana will visit with Kelsey and get this information and report at the August 22, 2022, meeting.

2. By Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana

  • Will set up committee meeting for August 2022.

3. Architect Committee – Dana

  • Dana said he has approved requests from the resident at 8705 Kings Road and 8355 Heather Drive.

  • LuAnne will assign Application Numbers to these requests and record on spreadsheet.

4. Water System Report – Mike R.

  • Wells are all working and operational

  • Cleaning water tank – waiting on divers.

  • Water Meter Installation – Mike R. –

  • Continuing to install remaining meters, unable to reach resident(s) has been a huge issue.

  • Arrangements have been made for the resident at 1095 Kings Road.

  • For billing overages, the residents will be given 10,000 gallons of water for each month since the installation of their water meters. Any overages will be paid in the next month.

5. HOA Fee Committee – Mike R.

  • The committee has not met.

  • Mike will send an electronic file for the “Water Rate Study” to Board members. Dana has a print out of this document.

6. Swimming Pool & Commons Area Update – Mike R.

  • A “water leak” - Mike will check if this is covered under the five (5) year warranty.

7. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson

  • SCCE Annual HOA Potluck Picnic & Meeting will be held on Monday, September 26, 2022, starting at 6:00PM

  • with dinner and Annual meeting to follow, starting at 7:00PM.

  • After discussion by the Board, it was decided to hold this meeting at the SCCE Picnic Shelter with Doty VFD as backup location, if bad weather.

  • Will need help setting up picnic tables etc. for this event.

8. Administrative New and Old Business –

  • Election of new HOA Board Members – The following Board members will NOT be returning:

  • Dana Coats

  • LuAnne Johnson

  • Joe Hofmann

  • Scott Wagner (Dana will confirm with Scott)

  • So, there will be four (4) board vacancies to fill at the September 26, 2022, Annual HOA meeting. Let your friends and neighbors know and encourage them to participate!

  • LuAnne has offered to continue to scan previous Board minutes and newsletters. The HOA was established in 1985 and would like to have this history recorded. Members agreed.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on August 22, 2022, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

LuAnne Johnson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Aug 22, 2022


Meeting Minutes: Jun 27, 2022