Meeting Minutes: Jun 27, 2022

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – June 27, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Board President, Dana Coats.

  • Board members present are Kort Herman, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin, John Santana and LuAnne Johnson

  • Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner

  • Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker

  • Residents present – Roxy Huber (Covenants Committee), Michael Montileone, Terron Voller, Al Stockman

Approval of agenda and call for changes –

  • Dana asked residents in attendance if they had any items that they would like to add to the agenda. All replied no.

  • A motion to approve the June 27, 2022, agenda was made by Joe and seconded by Kort. Motion carried.

  • Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the May 23, 2022, meeting.

  • Motion was made to approve the minutes by Howie and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for June 24, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres.

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of June 24, 2022

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

* Balance Sheet as of June 24, 2022

* Profit & Loss for June 1-24, 2022

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2021, through June 24, 2022

* Transaction List by Vendor for June 2022

* BHFCU pool loan balance is $54,782.22

Motion to approve financials for June 2022 was made by John and seconded by Kort. Motion carried.


1. Delinquent Water Bills – Dana

Dana will contact Mr. Jason Stverak for payment. If no payment is reached, Dana will file a lien on the residence at 8500 Blackbird Court.

2. By-Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana

Roxy Huber presented covenants survey results to the board. A total of 56 (out of 138) residents have responded to the Covenants Survey. The purpose of the survey was to educate the community and improve compliance of our covenants. One resident said they would like to join the covenants committee. Dana will schedule a covenants meeting and will have a complete report for the July 25, 2022, Board of Directors meeting.

3. Architect Committee – Dana

Dana said he has approved a request from the resident at 8705 Kings Road and will get the application to LuAnne for recording.

4. Water System Report – Mike R.

* Wells are all working and operational

* Chlorination is working well

* Cleaning water tank – waiting on divers. Hopefully will be done in the next month.

* Mike said we will need to purchase meters for both well house #1 and well house #2. We will order these from DSG and will cost a total of $2,003.00.

* Water Meter Installation – Mike R. – Out of 138 residents, five (5) residents need to have their water meter installed. Unable to reach resident(s) has been a big issue.

Water Meter readings were taken on May 30, 2022, and June 30, 2022, for the July 1, 2022, monthly water bill.

There will be a two (2) hour software training for our new water meters, both Kelsey and Mike R. will need to attend. Mike said this new software has many features and is amazing.

Mike will send an electronic file for the “Water Rate Study” to Board members. Dana has a printout of this document.

5. Swimming Pool & Commons Area Update – Mike R.

* A “water leak” was found and is currently isolated. Pool and Spa will come out in the fall to find the exact location. Mike will also check if this is covered under the five (5) year warranty.

6. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson

* Say Hello to Summer Picnic was held on June 11, 2022, at the commons area picnic shelter. Approximately 30 people attended this event. We will need better advertisement for next year.

7. Administrative New and Old Business –

* Reminder to please email any billing invoices to Thank you!

* Marlowe stated the street lights on Kings Road and Blackbird Court are extremely bright at night. Can we change the wattage of bulb? Howie did some checking and could possibly attach a shield on the light.

* Howie said there is a dead tree on Kings Road by the Doty VFD building. Is this on our property or Pennington County, and who should remove this?

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on July 25, 2022, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30 pm.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn seconded by Kort. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

LuAnne Johnson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Jul 25, 2022


Meeting Minutes: May 23