Meeting Minutes: May 23

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – May 23, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Board President, Dana Coats. Board members present are Kort Herman, Joe Hofmann, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin and LuAnne Johnson

Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner, John Santana

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker

Holly Riker, ChitChat PR (website design)

Approval of agenda and call for changes –

• Marlowe - Street Lights in the development

• Holly Riker, ChitChat PR – New SCCE website

Motion to approve the agenda with additions by Joe and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the April 25, 2022, meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes

by Joe and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for May 23, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on May 20, 2022

* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of May 20, 2022

* Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

* Balance Sheet as of May 20, 2022

* Profit & Loss for May 1-20, 2022

* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2021, through May 20, 2022

* Transaction List by Vendor for May 2022

* BHFCU pool loan balance is $56,645.77

Motion to approve financials for May 2022 was made by Kort and seconded by Joe. Motion carried.


  1. Delinquent Water Bills – Dana sent a first notice on February 27, 2022, to the resident living at 8500 Blackbird Court. They were given until March 28, 2022, to pay their bill. As of April 23, 2022, no payment has been received. After discussion by the Board, Kelsey will send total amount due statement to Dana (via email), who will file a lien against the Stverak property at 8500 Blackbird court. Dana contacted Mr. Stverak recently and said a check will be dropped off to the water bill deposit box.

  2. By Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana

    • Presented covenants survey to the board for comments. Removed the water meter question. Dana will write introduction to survey for email distribution. All SCCE covenants will be posted on the new SCCE website, The survey will be emailed to Board members before distribution.

  3. Architect Committee – Dana

    • The Application for Changes to SCCE Property document (available on SCCE website) is working well.

  4. Water System Report – Mike R.

    • Wells are all working

    • SCCE Water Tank Cleaning – Midco Diving and Marine Service, tank cleaning will be completed in June 2022.

    • Water Meter Installation – Mike R.

    • Will need to purchase two (2) 1-inch water meters. This new water meter charge will be the homeowner’s responsibility.

    • As of May 23, 2022, there are 18 meters left to install.

    • Starting June 1, 2022, the standard $70.00 charge will be in effect. On July 1, 2022, residents will continue to pay the $70.00 plus any overage of 10,000 gallons and above. Kelsey will receive training on this new water meter payment software.

  5. Swimming Pool & Commons Area Update – Mike R.

    • Mike mentioned at the April meeting that the pool may need to be painted. Mike did a little touchup to the pool in May, and it should be good through September 2022. Will paint at that time and will need 10 days of good weather for sealant to cure.

    • Jackson will be leaving for college in mid-August 2022. Looking at hiring another pool employee. LuAnne will get the job description to Mike for review and Holly to include in the website email to residents. Mike would like to hire a backup person to complete the summer to Labor Day.

  6. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson

    • Spring Clean-up was held on Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9:00AM – Many thanks to all the volunteers who participated in the cleanup. A huge thank you to the volunteers who helped with the pool cleaning/preparation. We are thankful for your help. For next years cleanup, we will add the cleaning of the pool to the list of items to be completed. Good job team!

    • Say Hello to Summer BBQ (previously called “Summer Kick-off BBQ) will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2022, 11:00AM – 1:00PM. John invited the Pennington County Sherriff Deputy’s and Joe invited the Doty VFD.

    • LuAnne will submit the expenses for the Say Hello to Summer BBQ and signage for the pool.

    • Pool benches – Joe sanded, stained, and repaired the pool benches. Joe will submit a bill for supplies ($109.86) Thanks!

  7. Administrative New and Old Business –

    • Reminder to please email any billing invoices to Thank you!

    • Mike R. will bring the Water Systems Manager job description to the June 27, 2022, Board meeting.

    • HOA Fee increase - Mike’s company has conducted a “Water Rate Study”. Mike gave the copy to Dana for review and will email the Board members an electronic pdf copy.

    • Marlowe stated the street lights on Kings Road and Blackbird Court are extremely bright at night. Can we change the wattage of bulb? Dana will talk to Sheree and Howie will check the AMP wattage. Light Pollution?

    • Holly Riker, ChitChat PR – Presented the board with an update on the new website. It is ready to go! Holly will give Board and Committee members access for a “soft launch”, add/change any corrections, and then launch the website to all SCCE residents! Thank you, Holly and Jaima, the website looks awesome!

    • Holly also discussed shelter reservations and PayPal. Our goal is to have residents secure their reservations by paying online.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on June 27, 2022, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Kort made a motion to adjourn seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

LuAnne Johnson, Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Jun 27, 2022


Meeting Minutes: Apr 25