Meeting Minutes: Apr 25

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – April 25, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Board President, Dana Coats. Board members present are Kort Herman, Joe Hofmann, John Santana and LuAnne Johnson

Board Member(s) absent – Scott Wagner, Howie Aubertin, Marlowe McDowell
Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker

Approval of agenda and call for changes – Motion to approve the agenda by Joe and seconded by John. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the March 28, 2022, meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes by Joe and seconded by John. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for April 23, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on 4/23/22

  • A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as April 23, 2022

  • Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

  • Balance Sheet as of April 23, 2022

  • Profit & Loss for April 1-23, 2022

  • Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2021, through April 23, 2022

  • Transaction List by Vendor for April 2022

  • Black Hills Federal Credit Union statement ending 3/31/2022 – Pool loan monthly payments are $2,068.02 and the loan balance is $58,509.41. BHFCU banking statement will be included with the monthly financials. Thanks, Kelsey!

Motion to approve financials for April 2022 was made by John and seconded by Kort. Motion carried.


  1. Casey Peterson Agreement ended in July 2021 – Kelsey checked, and the administrative personnel went by calendar year (January – December) instead of fiscal year (July – June). Kelsey said we are up to date with our contract with Casey Peterson and agreements are signed. No further action is required per Kelsey.

  2. Delinquent Water Bills – Dana sent a first notice on February 27, 2022, to the resident living at 8500 Blackbird Court. They were given until March 28, 2022, to pay their bill. As of April 23, 2022, no payment has been received. After discussion by the Board, Kelsey will send total amount due statement to Dana (via email), who will file a lien against the Stverak property at 8500 Blackbird court.

  3. By Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    Committee working on Covenants Survey. Will schedule a meeting for May 2022.

  4. Architect Committee – Dana
    The Application for Changes to SCCE Property document (available on SCCE website) is working well. LuAnne will create a spreadsheet to track the applications.

  5. Water System Report – Mike R.
    * Wells are all working
    * SCCE Water Tank Cleaning – Midco Diving & Marine Services bid of $2,668.00 was previously approved and the five (5) year tank cleaning will be completed this Friday (April 29, 2022).
    * Water Meter Installation – Mike R. – As of April 23, 2022, 100 homes have had their new water meters installed by Jeremy at 5th Generation. The goal is still to have all meters installed by May 1, 2022, and no later than May 15, 2022.
    * A couple residents have not been cooperative with the meter installation. Mike R. contacted them, and their installation date has been set.
    * Will need to purchase six (6) 1-inch water meters. This new water meter charge will be the homeowner’s responsibility.
    * At the March 28, 2022, meeting John asked Mike about the taxes that we were charged on these items (4.5% or 6.5%) Mike R. checked and we will get a credit of $347.00.
    * LuAnne visited with a resident regarding the water meter cost of $220.00/home. As previously discussed by the Board, we would allow four (4) consecutive monthly payments.
    * Reminder to please email any billing invoices to Thank you!

  6. Swimming Pool & Commons Area Update – Mike R.
    * Jackson will be gone until the 16th of May. A lot of work will be required to open the pool this year (power washing, vacuuming filters, etc.).
    * A new motion was made by Joe and seconded by LuAnne for the pool maintenance position (Jackson) daily rate to increase from $50.00 per day to $51.00 per day. Motion carried.
    * Mike mentioned at the April meeting that the pool may need to be painted. Mike does not have an estimate yet, he will wait to see how the pool looks after it is cleaned.

  7. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne
    * Easter Egg Hunt was held on Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:00AM – The total expense was $660.78. The expense increased (from $500.00) due to the fact we had to purchase more candy and new plastic eggs (1500) since we did not recycle last years due to COVID-19.
    * Spring Clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9:00AM – this event is hosted by the SCCE Board of Directors.
    * Summer Kick-Off BBQ will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2022, 11:00AM – 1:00PM.

  8. Administrative New and Old Business –
    * Mike R. will bring the Water Systems Manager job description to the May 23, 2022, Board meeting.
    * Website Design – Joe and LuAnne continue to work on and coordinate with Holly Riker (Chit Chat).
    * Tru-Green Contract – Kelsey. Total payment of $2,256.68 has been paid for the 2022 Season. No further action is required.
    *Swimming Pool Balance owed – Kelsey provided bank statement (see financials).
    * Executive meeting was held after the March Board meeting to discuss salary increases and hourly wages.
    Mike Riker (Water Systems Manager) – Monthly wage increase $25.00 from $425.00 to $450.00
    Kelsey Wyres (Bookkeeper) Monthly wage increase $25.00 from $275.00 to $300.00
    Jackson Herman (Pool Maintenance) as discussed above #7, wage increase from $50.00/day to $51.00/per day.
    If work is required above and beyond the monthly/daily requirements, the hourly rates will be:
    Mike Riker - $25.00
    Kelsey Wyres - $20.00
    Jackson Herman - $20.00
    *HOA Fee increase - Mike’s company has conducted a “Water Rate Study”. Mike gave the copy to Dana for review and will email the Board members an electronic copy.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on May 23, 2022, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn seconded by Kort. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson



Meeting Minutes: May 23


Meeting Minutes: Mar 28