Special Public Meeting: July 22, 2024

Please join us for a special public meeting to review the proposed changes to the covenants (Amendment 4)

Letter to residents: July 10, 2024

Dear Homeowner,

Over the past several months, the South Canyon Country Estates (SCCE) Board of Directors has received many comments from residents calling for the revision the covenants, specifically Article II, paragraph 1, regarding the storage of campers, travel trailers, boats, motor homes, trailers, equipment, etc. The main contention is that the current wording dating back to the late 1970’s is not in-tune with the present-day needs and is too restrictive. An amendment to the covenants would allow more flexibility and more defined requirements for consistency and compliance.

 At the April 2024 HOA meeting, a group of homeowners presented the Board with a proposed language change (see Exhibit A). Since then, the Board along with the Covenants Committee and community members, have been working to draft new language for the covenant amendment (see Exhibit B). Please Note: neither version is considered final, but both are intended to help identify a wide range of considerations for discussion and decision making.

The Board is holding a Special Public Meeting to gain the widest input from you, the homeowner, whose yes or no-vote is needed to approve or deny any proposed amendment to the covenants.

The purpose of the meeting will be to review the proposed changes and to get your input in setting the standards for the community. With this last round of community input, our goal is to finalize the language for the amendment and put it out for a vote in accordance with the covenants.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can email your questions and/or concerns to admin@southcanyoncountryestates.org. Additionally, the information contained in this letter as well as other helpful references can be found on the SCCE website: SouthCanyonCountryEstates.org

Following please find some important references to help provide context for the upcoming special meeting. As always, we welcome your participation in the discussion.   

Respectfully Submitted,

SCCE Board of Directors

Current Covenant Language

As mentioned in the July 9, 2024 Letter to Residents, the main contention with the existing covenant language is that the current wording dating back to the late 1970s is not in tune with present-day needs and is too restrictive.

The current language can be found on the covenants page of the website.

Language brought forward from homeowners in April 2024 (Exhibit A)

As mentioned in the July 9, 2024 Letter to Residents, in April 2024, a group of homeowners canvassed the neighborhood with a proposed draft of language to update the current covenant related to Recreational Vehicles, Equipment & Machinery. They secured the required number of homeowner signatures to amend the covenants proving there was overwhelming support for this proposed change.

Please see the initial language left.

Language proposed by SCCE Board & Covenants Committee (Exhibit B)

Over the past four months, the Covenants Committee and the Board have been working to incorporate community input received via email, website form submissions, and monthly HOA Board meetings to ensure that the new covenant language is reflective of the community’s wishes and complies with legal and formal formatting requirements. Version B Draft language will be reviewed at the Special Community meeting and any final input considered. The amendment language will then be finalized and circulated for signature via canvassing by the Board and Covenants Committee at the end of July/beginning of August in accordance with the covenants. The goal is to have the 4ht Amendment finalized and enacted by the Annual HOA Meeting on September 23, 2024.

Recreational Storage Guidelines

As the discussion about the covenant change has continued and community members have shared their questions and thoughts over the past several months, the Board is also considering a set of guidelines to complement the 4th Amendment. These guidelines will give the Board a more detailed process for addressing homeowners who request a variance. Establishing clear procedures will ensure that the Board and homeowners understand expectations. A draft of the proposed Storage Guidelines can be downloaded below and will be discussed at the Special Meeting.

Covenants, By-laws, Rules & Guidelines: What’s the Difference?

Covenants Short Answer: The covenants detail the rights and expectations of the homeowners and the obligations of the homeowner’s association (HOA) to implement them. They describe the requirements and limitations of what you can do with your property. Making changes requires a vote. For more go to the covenants page.

By-Laws Short Answer: By-laws establish the structure of day-to-day governance of the HOA. The covenants cover the “what” of the HOA and the by-laws describe the “how.” Making changes requires a vote. For more go to the by-laws page.

Rules & Guidelines Short Answer: Rules and guidelines are a catch-all for the things not covered in the covenants or by-laws. These are often the rules that might need revising over time due to changes in the community. Typically, rules and guidelines can be changed by an HOA board vote with review by community members. For more go to the committees page.


Special Public Meeting: Follow-Up


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