Meeting Minutes: Apr 20

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – April 20, 2020

The meeting was called to order via a teleconference call, at 6:30 pm hosted by President Mike Wheeler. Board members participating are Carolyn Ellington, Dana Coats, Marlowe McDowell, Howie Aubertin and LuAnne Johnson.

Members Absent – Joe Hofmann, Scott Wagner
Staff participating: Mike Riker and Kody Bybee

Approval of Agenda and call for changes – No changes. Motion to approve agenda by Marlowe, seconded by Dana. Motion carried.

Minutes from the March 16, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes. Motion carried.

  • Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kody Bybee

    • A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of April 19, 2020
      Kody will contact R. Larson for past due bill and refund check to Lyle Baker.

    • Payroll Summary from January through December 2020
      Is Payroll Summary for fiscal year or calendar year?

    • Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2020
      Date should be April 19, 2020. Kody will change and email new balance sheet.

    • Profit & Loss for April 2020

    • Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison – July 1, 2019 through April 2020
      Need to find out what the 4025 – Finance Charge of $230.00 is for.

    • Transaction List by Vendor, April 2020
      Kody said he will be making two payments of $2,068.02 to Black Hills Federal Credit Union, to be one month ahead in payments.

With no further discussion on the Financial Reports, Carolyn made a motion to approve and LuAnne seconded. Motion carried.


  1. Commons Area Issues:

    a.) Basketball Court/Tennis Court Rules – After discussion by Board, it was decided for residents to use at their own risk.
    b.) Replace Tennis Net – LuAnne made a motion and seconded by Howie for Mike Wheeler to purchase a new Douglas Tennis Net, for approximately $260.00 plus tax and shipping. Motion carried.
    c.) Shelter Reservations – residents can make reservations, but the Board has the authority to cancel due to COVID 19 Guidelines if necessary. No Reservations will be approved before May 25, 2020 (Memorial Day)
    d.) Contractor for Commons Area Dumpster (Sanders vs Kieffer) – after discussion by the Board, it was recommended to continue with Sanders Sanitation for the Summer of 2020. Need to make sure the cover/lid has a solid bar across for locking the dumpster. LuAnne will contact Sanders for delivery of dumpster.

  2. Swimming Pool Issues:

    a.) Mike Riker and Max Riker will start prepping the swimming pool around May 1, 2020 (weather permitting).

    A motion was made to prepare the swimming pool/commons area, to include Pool & Spa, with the current target date of Memorial Day Weekend (May 25, 2020) seconded by Dana. Motion carried.

    b.) Access Cards for SCCE Residents – Mike Riker will continue to research the battery-operated version of the access cards, and report at the May 2020 meeting.

  3. Lawn Mowing – After discussion by the Board, Flemming Brothers vs Curt Voight, to maintain the lawn care needs, Howie made a motion and LuAnne seconded to hire Flemming Brothers again for the Summer of 2020. Motion carried. Dana will contact Flemming Brothers and Mike W. will contact Curt Voight. Thank you!

  4. COVID 19 – Mike W. will prepare statement for our SCCE residents regarding the usage of the commons area and pool opening. LuAnne will email statement to residents.

  5. Spring Cleanup date – May 16, 2020
    The Board will be tentatively hosting the Spring Clean-up. Due to the COVID 19 guidelines, no food or drinks will be provided, and if postponed, Mike Riker will develop a list of items for volunteers to help with. Such as, touch up paint at shelter, trim bushes, and trees, replace tennis net, check bolts on playground equipment, disinfect play area.


  1. MIDCO Matters – Dana talked with Charlie regarding repairing the lawns and property that have been disturbed by Beka. They will take care of this!

  2. Water Meters – When a SCCE resident needs to change their water meter, Sensus I-Pearl with remote read, is the recommended brand to purchase. This will ensure standardization for technical readings and communications with our Water System. SCCE residents will be responsible for the cost of the water meter. Mike Riker is the POC on the Sensus I-Pearl, he can be reached at 605-209-2811.

  3. Red Deer Road – Dana stated Simon will start repairs within a couple weeks. Dana also talked with Pennington County regarding the busted guard rail on Red Deer Road. The county will be fixing the guard rail.

  4. Bookkeeper Gift card - Discussed the reloadable gift card of $500.00 for purchasing bookkeeping items. Kody will contact the bank and get this purchased. The Board also requested when the balance is around $100.00 to let the Board know so we can plan to “re-load” accordingly. Thanks

  5. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    Everything is working great. There will be a chemical delivery soon. There will be minor maintenance on the ventilation units on each well house.

  6. Recreation Committee – LuAnne Johnson
    Nothing new to report.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be, on Monday, May 18, 2020 starting at 6:30pm either at Doty VFD or via teleconference call. Carolyn will call Kris Wagner at Doty VFD.

With no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Dana and seconded by Marlowe. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: May 18


Meeting Minutes: Mar 16