Meeting Minutes: Feb 28

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – February 28, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by President, Dana Coats. Board members present are John Santana, Marlowe McDowell, Kort Herman, Howie Aubertin, Scott Wagner and LuAnne Johnson

Board Member(s) absent – Joe Hofmann

Staff present – Kelsey Wyres and Mike Riker

Resident & Covenants Committee Member – Roxy Huber

Approval of agenda and call for changes – Motion to approve the agenda by Marlowe and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the January 24, 2022, meeting. Motion was made to approve the minutes By Kort and seconded by John. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financials for February 28, 2022

Financial Reports - Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres on 2/24/22

  • A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of February 24, 2022

  • Payroll Summary from January through December 2022

  • Balance Sheet as February 28, 2022

  • Profit & Loss for February 2022

  • Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2021, through February 2022

  • Transaction List by Vendor for February 2022

Motion to approve financials for February 2022 was made by John and seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.

Old Business

  1. IRS Taxes – We are up to date; no additional back taxes are owed. Casey Peterson is now contracted to prepare our South Canyon Country Estates (SCCE) Home Owners Association (HOA) taxes.

  2. Casey Peterson Agreement ended in July 2021 – Need to get current contract information. After discussion, Howie will brief the Board at the March meeting.

  3. Delinquent Water Bills – Dana sent a first notice on February 27, 2022, to the resident living at 8500 Blackbird Court. They have until March 15, 2022, to pay their water bill.

  4. By Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    Dana will get a meeting scheduled in March 2022.

  5. Architect Committee – Dana
    Residents at 1515 Kings Road submitted a “Application for New/Changes to SCCE Residential Property” to add a new garage to their property. Dana stated it met all the requirements and is approved. Dana will contact the resident.

  6. Water System Report – Mike R.
    * Wells are all working
    * SCCE Water Tank Cleaning - Mike sent an email (January 26, 2022) to Board members requesting approval for Midco Diving & Marine Services bid of $2,668.00 for our five (5) year tank cleaning. LuAnne made a motion to approve service, seconded by Marlowe. John, Kort, Dana and Joe voted yes. No response from Howie or Scott. Motion carried. Dana notified Mike R. This service will be scheduled for Spring of 2022.
    *Water Meter Installation – Discussion on payment options. Howie made a motion, seconded by John that the $220.00 (Plus tax) can be paid in four-month installments. If a current resident places their home for sale, it is the current resident’s responsibility to pay this $220.00. Motion carried. Will try & recycle the old meters. The reading software will cost $3,511.20.
    *Water Line Repair by Kings Road & Heather Drive, by Well House #2, is repaired.

  7. Swimming Pool Update – Mike R.
    * Mike will be working, along with Jackson Herman, to prepare & open the swimming pool for our SCCE community. Weather permitting, opening date will be Memorial Day, May 30, 2022!
    * Will need to order a new chlorinator for the pool. Mike will let us know what the cost will be.
    * Mike ordered and paid ~ $150.00 for Dog Waste Bags. Howie offered to help with dumping the dog waste, Mike will get a key for the dumpster for Howie to assist. Thanks!

  8. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne
    * Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 16, 2022, 10:00AM – will need to purchase all Easter eggs, since we did not recycle eggs last year due to COVID-19.
    * Spring Clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022, 9:00AM

  9. Administrative/Old Business – Board Members
    *Winter/Spring Newsletter – will need input from President, Treasurer, Water & Committee reports. Please email LuAnne with your newsletter information.
    * The SCCE mailbox needs to be repaired and receipt submitted. John will take care of this. Thanks, John!
    * Tru-Green – Kelsey will contact Tru-Green and get the contract for 2022.
    * New Residents – John inquired if any gift was given to welcome our new neighbors. Currently, they only receive a welcome packet. John will check on the cost and let the Board know.
    * Branches by road on Red Deer – LuAnne will take care of this.
    * The dead trees were removed from the Kings Road area – Thanks to Joe & Eric O’Connor.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be held on March 28, 2022, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, LuAnne made motion to adjourn, seconded by Marlowe. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson


Meeting Minutes: Mar 28


Meeting Minutes: Jan 24