Meeting Minutes: Jun 22

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – June 22, 2020

The meeting was called to order by President Mike Wheeler. Board members present are Carolyn Ellington, Scott Wagner, Joe Hofmann, LuAnne Johnson

Members Absent – Howie Aubertin, Dana Coats, Marlowe McDowell

Staff present – Mike Riker
Staff absent – Kody Bybee

Approval of Agenda and call for changes – No changes. Motion to approve agenda by Joe, seconded by Scott. Motion carried.

Minutes from the May 18, 2020 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve minutes by Carolyn, seconded by Joe. Motion carried.

Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kody Bybee on June 22, 2020
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of June 22, 2020
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2020 (listed as July 2019 through December 2020)?
* Balance Sheet as of June 22, 2020
* Profit & Loss for June 2020
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison – July 1, 2019 through June 2020. Also included July ’18 – June ‘19
* Transaction List by Vendor for June 2020

Discussion/questions regarding the financials –
- Why is there a late charge for Knecht’s?
- Change or remove POC name on Flemming Brothers account (has Cathy M.)
- Carolyn will contact Kody regarding residents that are late on their monthly payments and status.
- Follow up with answers at the July 20, 2020 meeting.

With no further discussion on the Financial Reports, LuAnne made a motion to approve with above discussion/questions and Carolyn seconded. Motion carried.


  1. Speeding – Guy Shobe complaint to President Mike Wheeler. Discussion of speeding in our SCCE development, with the speed limit at 25MPH. Mike Wheeler will contact the Pennington County Sheriff’s Department.

  2. Access Card Reader for Swimming Pool – Joe presented an approximate proposal which would cost about $3,000-$4,000 plus resident cards would be $6.00 each. Joe will get a final total and present at the July 20, 2020 meeting.


  1. Water System Report – Mike Riker
    * Replaced hydrant by Old Orchard Road/Hagen residence. Should be getting bill from Askland for $3,469.39 (Note: was included in this month’s payments)

  2. Swimming Pool System – Mike Riker
    * Pool & Spa – purchased chemicals, will be receiving bill.
    * Pool is running well, no problems, the bathrooms remain clean.
    * The outdoor shower is not shutting off, will get this repaired.
    * Pool lights are not functioning, (no pool lights around 8:30-9:00PM). Mike contacted Morford Electric, should expect a bill.
    * Pump in pool house – have noticed a couple mechanical issues. Mike will be watching this. Mike will call Pool & Spa, give heads up, just to be prepared.

  3. The new tennis net has been delivered, thanks Mike W. Mike Riker will check with Max to help install.

  4. Recreation Committee Report – LuAnne Johnson
    With COVID-19 – no activities are scheduled.
    Shelter reservations – a resident did ask about having pizza with family in the shelter. Board agreed. Yes, they can.

  5. Administrative
    *Check status with Kody regarding the welcome packets for our new residents. LuAnne & Carolyn could help, if needed.
    * COVID-19 Signage – LuAnne will order new sign to include limits. They will be 10 per family and 30 total in the pool area.
    * Check with Kris at Doty regarding meeting room charges that SCCE paid ahead of time.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on July 20, 2020 starting at 6:30pm at Doty VFD.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn, LuAnne seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson
SCCE Secretary


Meeting Minutes: Jul 20


Meeting Minutes: May 18