Meeting Minutes: May 24

SCCE Board of Directors Meeting – May 24, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Carolyn Ellington. Board members present are Dana Coats, John Santana, Howie Aubertin, Joe Hofmann and LuAnne Johnson

Board Members absent – Scott Wagner, Marlowe McDowell

Staff present – Mike Riker, Kelsey Wyres

Approval of agenda and call for changes –
Add - Shingles for home on Heather Drive, new neighbors, can we call them? – Joe Hofmann
Add - Letter from insurance company regarding pool & pool house not covered – Kelsey Wyres

Motion was made to approve the agenda with additions by Joe, seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Approval of SCCE Board minutes from the April 26, 2021, meeting. Motion was made by John and seconded by Howie. Motion carried.

Treasurer/Bookkeeper Report and Approval of Financials

Financial Reports: Were emailed to Board Members from Kelsey Wyres
* A/R Aging Summary was reviewed as of May 21, 2021
* Payroll Summary from January through December 2021
* Balance Sheet as May 21, 2021
* Profit & Loss for May 1-21, 2021
* Profit & Loss Previous Year Comparison July 1, 2020, through May 21, 2021
* Transaction List by Vendor for May 2021

After reviewing the reports, Howie inquired about the electric bill cost on Line Item 5021, (Old) Well #1.

Mike Riker was not aware of any changes, and we will monitor this cost.

With no further discussion, LuAnne made a motion to approve the financials, seconded by John. Motion carried.


  1. Conversation to hold swimming lessons and water aerobics at the pool from 8am-10am. Due to insurance liability, we are not able to hold swimming lessons. Carolyn will contact resident and decline the offer.

  2. Mowing of the Common Area: grass in the volleyball court; no mulching – After discussion, Dana will contact Flemming Brothers and explain what needs to be done. Flemming Brothers will be mowing once a week, until there is no longer a need.

  3. MIDCO (Contact Troy Anderson at 701-566-1891) will be setting up a table at our Summer Kick-Off BBQ (June 5, 2021) for any questions the residents may have.

  4. Variance and Dead-End Road – Copied from the May 24, 2021, Agenda

    NOTE: this is the information about the variance

    David Johnston, Schroeder Rd A variance has been requested to raise the number of homes on the Schroeder Road dead end road system from 75 to 77. The zoning code is 40 so if the variance is given it will put the area 92.5% over the standard. The recent fire closed down Schroeder Road and many had no way to evacuate if the winds had shifted. A second way out is being investigated by the county planning board with four or five possible routes going to the north or south of Schroeder Road. The next meeting on this subject by the county will be on June 1st.

    LuAnne will contact county before the June 1, 2021, meeting to get agenda and email Board members.

  5. Summer Kick-Off BBQ – Thank you to our Fire, EMS and Law Enforcement. John has left messages with the Law Enforcement. Joe has contacted Doty VFD.

  6. Sign to welcome departments – LuAnne presented a couple costs for the “Thank You” banner. After discussion, Dana made a motion to spell out “South Canyon Country Estates” on the 4’x6’ banner, and approve the cost of the banner which is $164.73 plus tax. Seconded by John. Motion carried.


  1. By-Laws and Covenants Committee – Dana
    The Committee met and discussed allowing boats and campers to be parked at a resident’s home. They must be in working order though. Dana will contact a contractor and get information on metal roofs and get the details and facts of what could possibly be allowed.

    Dana has an appointment set up with Mike Wheeler on June 1, 2021, at 10:00AM to discuss these roofing proposals/specifications and verbiage changes to our SCCE HOA Covenants. The Board understands to change the SCCE HOA Covenants, a vote must be conducted (i.e., Survey Monkey, door to door) and approved by over 51% of the residents. Dana will give report at the next meeting.

  2. Contract with Tru-Green – Kelsey just received a contract from Tru-Green, explaining all the square footage, applications, etc. that will be serviced. Kelsey will file this with the SCCE HOA records. Thanks Carolyn & Kelsey, appreciate your efforts in completing this task!


- Everything is good! Currently, there are no problems.
- Mike will get the annual water report to LuAnne for posting at the picnic shelter and on the SCCE website.
- Water Meters are still on order. Loyal Plumbing is on board and waiting for order to arrive.


- Everything is looking good. The pool should be open by Memorial Day! Hours will be from 10:00AM – 9:00PM and the outside temperature should be around 70 degrees to open. The Board thanked Mike for a job well done in cleaning the pool! It looks awesome.


- May be getting a bill from TR Horton, Dakota Barricade, for the striping of the basketball and volleyball court. (Dana)
- LuAnne will purchase six nylon basketball nets, to replace the torn ones and have them on hand. Usually run under $3.00 each.
- A resident at the Spring Clean-up asked about striping a pickleball court into the tennis court area. This request was declined by the Board. (LuAnne)
- Send a thank you note for the Spring Clean-up to SCCE residents. LuAnne will email this out.
- Mike Riker did contact the resident at 8605 Kings Court and discussed the water bill. They moved in April 2020. Kelsey will contact our new resident.
- Discussion on residents’ home on Heather Drive that has shingles blown off. (Joe)
- Letter from Insurance Company regarding pool & pool house coverage. Carolyn will contact Insurance Company.

The next event will be the SCCE Summer Kick-Off BBQ on June 5, 2021. This BBQ will run from 11:00AM – 1:00PM at the swimming pool common area. Stop down and meet your neighbors.

The next SCCE Board of Directors meeting will be on Monday, June 28th, 2021, at Doty VFD starting at 6:30pm.

With no further business, Joe made a motion to adjourn, Howie seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
LuAnne Johnson


Meeting Minutes: Jun 28


Meeting Minutes: Apr 26