Water Meter Billing Update

To all residents,

Our water meter replacement project is nearly complete!

We are now able to more accurately track water usage community-wide, identify water loss and/or leaks within the system, and eliminate the need for homeowners to read and report water usage every month (one less task on your to-do list!).

Scheduling installations for 138 homes has had its challenges– and there are still a few left to go! If you haven’t been able to schedule your installation– please make this a priority (pretty please… let’s finish strong ;)

Meter installations started in March nearly all meters were online by mid-July. Remote readings began in May and SCCE staff have completed three remote-read cycles and have been working with Dakota Supply Group on the data collection process and billing procedure.

As with any new system, it takes some time to smooth out the process. We appreciate your patience!

You will receive a bill if you have used more than the allowed 10,000 gallons per month since your install date. The overages were calculated using the table on the SCCE Water Chart.

We have subtracted the allowed 10,000 gallons from your total gallons used since your meter was installed. The overages for the first round of billing will be for several months. This is a one-time situation that was necessary as we got the system up and running and were able to collect and compare data over the course of the first few months.

Going forward your $70 Association fee will cover water usage (up to 10,000 gallons) for the month ahead. Additional fees for gallons used over the 10,000 maximum will be billed for the previous month.

As a reminder, the Homeowner’s Association covered the initial cost of the meter, installation, and the cost of reading and billing software. Each homeowner is responsible for covering the cost of the meter (approximately $220.00). The Association began billing for the cost of the meter as the meters were installed. If you have not been billed for your meter– please contact SCCE Bookkeeping to square up!

The new Kamstrup remote-read water meter units come with a 10-year warranty– however, as in the past, you will be responsible for any maintenance or repairs for the new units going forward.

If you have questions, please contact:

Mike Riker (SCCE) 605-209-2811

Thank You,

SCCE Homeowners Association

Board of Directors

1520 Kings Road, Rapid City, SD 57702


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